I have 0ne 16s sample (without barcodes, as this is only one sample) sequenced by 454. I want to use qiime to analyze it:
1. Which step do I need to start from ? It is only one sample so do I need the steps of preparing the mapping file and the "assign sample to multiplex reads"?
If I do need them, how to do this in case this is only one unbarcoded sample? If I do not need it, and begin from the "pick OTU" step, I will lose the "filtering step" which is part of the " assign samples to multiplex reads", won't I?
2.Can I skip the "align OTU sequences" and the "filter alignment" and "phylogenetic tree" if all I am interested in is the OTUS whixh were found in the sample and the abunduncies in this only sample?
3.I made an OTU table, but when I tried to view the statistics of it via the command :" print_biom_table_smmary.py" I received a message that the command does not exist.
4.When I tried to make an OTU map, I received the following message:" Warning:OTU table appears to be using relative abudances and num_otu_hits was set to 5. Setting num_otu_hits to 0". What does it mean?
Thank you for your help!!
1. Which step do I need to start from ? It is only one sample so do I need the steps of preparing the mapping file and the "assign sample to multiplex reads"?
If I do need them, how to do this in case this is only one unbarcoded sample? If I do not need it, and begin from the "pick OTU" step, I will lose the "filtering step" which is part of the " assign samples to multiplex reads", won't I?
2.Can I skip the "align OTU sequences" and the "filter alignment" and "phylogenetic tree" if all I am interested in is the OTUS whixh were found in the sample and the abunduncies in this only sample?
3.I made an OTU table, but when I tried to view the statistics of it via the command :" print_biom_table_smmary.py" I received a message that the command does not exist.
4.When I tried to make an OTU map, I received the following message:" Warning:OTU table appears to be using relative abudances and num_otu_hits was set to 5. Setting num_otu_hits to 0". What does it mean?
Thank you for your help!!