I am wondered what is the best way to run blastn on a huge query file (5G ) against small database (SILVA or RDP) in parallel CPUs ?
1- split queries into parts which each part is smaller then database size, then run the blastn on all parts at the same time. Then use mpiru or qsub -pe of (#$ -pe smp 8G ; #$ -l h_vmem= ? ! 8x8) on each part. I ignore until now how to run the blastn on all parts at the same time, not just doing a "while" or "for" into the parts list
2- Use it simply with -num_threads option of blastn on (each part of course)
3- use "-task megablast" in blastn
I have the same question when we have a huge database like nr or nt.
Please share with me your views, help, remarks into the aim of improving these questions and finding right answers
I am wondered what is the best way to run blastn on a huge query file (5G ) against small database (SILVA or RDP) in parallel CPUs ?
1- split queries into parts which each part is smaller then database size, then run the blastn on all parts at the same time. Then use mpiru or qsub -pe of (#$ -pe smp 8G ; #$ -l h_vmem= ? ! 8x8) on each part. I ignore until now how to run the blastn on all parts at the same time, not just doing a "while" or "for" into the parts list
2- Use it simply with -num_threads option of blastn on (each part of course)
3- use "-task megablast" in blastn
I have the same question when we have a huge database like nr or nt.
Please share with me your views, help, remarks into the aim of improving these questions and finding right answers