I am running trinity to perform some de novo assemblies and everything was doing ok. Now I am facing a really weird problem that is making the trinity die everytime.
That is the problem, and it is quite weird because it looks like it is a memory problem, but I already performed some assemblies with bigger datasets and this problem never happened. Someone knows what is happening? Someone already faced this same problem? I will really appreciate some help, because I have no idea how to solve this.
Best regards,
I am running trinity to perform some de novo assemblies and everything was doing ok. Now I am facing a really weird problem that is making the trinity die everytime.
Processing reads:
reading another 10000000... done. Read 5427877 reads.
libgomp: Out of memory allocating 1456 bytes
COMMAND: /home/user/oliveira/Assemblers/trinityrnaseq_r20131110/Chrysalis/ReadsToTranscripts -i both.fa -f /scratch/trinity_test_4a/chrysalis/bundled_iworm_contigs.fasta -t 1 -o /scratch/trinity_test_4a/chrysalis -max_mem_reads 10000000
Died with exit code 256
reading another 10000000... done. Read 5427877 reads.
libgomp: Out of memory allocating 1456 bytes
COMMAND: /home/user/oliveira/Assemblers/trinityrnaseq_r20131110/Chrysalis/ReadsToTranscripts -i both.fa -f /scratch/trinity_test_4a/chrysalis/bundled_iworm_contigs.fasta -t 1 -o /scratch/trinity_test_4a/chrysalis -max_mem_reads 10000000
Died with exit code 256
Best regards,