Originally posted by luc
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I released a new version (32.14) which now has RandomReads documented (run randomreads.sh with no arguments).
By default it will use an Illumina error model, which assigns qualities in a pattern that looks roughly like the average quality histogram of Illumina reads (peaking at about position 20, and sloping down toward the head and tail). Then some bases will by randomly changed based on the quality score. To generate Illumina-like reads from e.coli:
randomreads.sh ref=ecoli.fa reads=100000 length=150 maxq=40 midq=30 minq=10 out=synth.fq
It can also generate paired reads if desired.
To generate PacBio-like reads:
randomreads.sh ref=ecoli.fa reads=100000 minlength=200 maxlength=4000 pacbio pbminrate=0.13 pbmaxrate=0.17 out=synth.fq
That will add substitutions and single-base-pair indels with per-base probability ranging from 0.13 to 0.17.
There are also a lot of other options for adding specific numbers or lengths of insertions, deletions, substitutions, and Ns, in the help menu.