Thanks for the tool. In comparison to `cutadapt`, I noticed that `bbduk` (using the options below) ran 20x faster, and excluded all of the over-represented sequences that were flagged by FastQC.
bbmap/ in1=file_1.fq.gz in2=file_2.fq.gz out1=file_1_trim.fq.gz out2=file_2_trim.fq.gz ref=adapters ktrim=r k=23 mink=11 hdist=1 tpe tbo
Are the above options sensible for trimming paired end Illumina RNA-seq?
Should I be using `ktrim=rl` or a lower `k`?
I did not see adapters.fa file in the bbmap folder, so I just used the 'adapters' string as mentioned in the --help description of ref.
I am new to processing this omic at the read level. Thank you
bbmap/ in1=file_1.fq.gz in2=file_2.fq.gz out1=file_1_trim.fq.gz out2=file_2_trim.fq.gz ref=adapters ktrim=r k=23 mink=11 hdist=1 tpe tbo
Are the above options sensible for trimming paired end Illumina RNA-seq?
Should I be using `ktrim=rl` or a lower `k`?
I did not see adapters.fa file in the bbmap folder, so I just used the 'adapters' string as mentioned in the --help description of ref.
I am new to processing this omic at the read level. Thank you