I am a new user of BWA. I downloaded the 0.5.7.
My aim is to align illumina short reads on the human genome.
First I had problems with bwa samse segmentation fault - as reported by others on this site. Thus I used the program available via MAQ to convert my sequences : fq_all2std.pl
Currently my FASTQ file looks like that that
I hope it's the BWA required format...
My first tests were on a small part of my reads. It worked quickly, without problem.
When I test my complete set, i.e. one file of 5Gb and one other of 10Gb, I'm not sure it works. It is running from Tuesday, and the only line on both .sam files is "[bwa_read_seq] 0.0% bases are trimmed."
Please let me know if it is normal or not. If not what kind of problem have I please. How long does a complete alignment take place (with human reads and genome and without option modification) please?
Thanks a lot for your help
I am a new user of BWA. I downloaded the 0.5.7.
My aim is to align illumina short reads on the human genome.
First I had problems with bwa samse segmentation fault - as reported by others on this site. Thus I used the program available via MAQ to convert my sequences : fq_all2std.pl
Currently my FASTQ file looks like that that
I hope it's the BWA required format...
My first tests were on a small part of my reads. It worked quickly, without problem.
When I test my complete set, i.e. one file of 5Gb and one other of 10Gb, I'm not sure it works. It is running from Tuesday, and the only line on both .sam files is "[bwa_read_seq] 0.0% bases are trimmed."
Please let me know if it is normal or not. If not what kind of problem have I please. How long does a complete alignment take place (with human reads and genome and without option modification) please?
Thanks a lot for your help