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  • Mitochondria genome-denovo assembly

    Hi all,

    I am trying to assemble plant mitochondria genome. The method I follow is to extract mitochondria reads from genomic reads (sequenced WGS approach using hiseq 2000, illumina paired-end reads)

    1. I have downloaded all mitochondrial genomes of plants and indexed as reference genome using BWA
    2. The raw paried-end reads were filtered (adapter & low quality reads filtered) which passed fastqc tool test. The fastqc passed filtered reads were interleaved using using perl script and used as single-end sequence. These single-end sequence were mapped to mitochondiral reference genome using BWA
    3. Then mapped reads are extracted using samtools -F 4 option and got output in bam format
    4. Using picard, bam format converted to fastq format
    5.Before doing denovo assembly, I checked with fastqc, it failed in following
    (i)FAIL-Per sequence GC content
    (ii)FAIL-Sequence Duplication Levels
    (iii)FAIL-Overrepresented sequences
    (iv)FAIL-Kmer Content

    My questions
    (i) what I can I improve the reads before denovo assembly of mitochondrial reads?
    (ii) Which better tool to assembly mitochondrial genome velvet or soapdenovo?. How much kmer size can be used?

  • #2
    I would try MITObim, which uses the MIRA assembler iteratively:


    • #3
      Originally posted by bioman1 View Post
      5.Before doing denovo assembly, I checked with fastqc, it failed in following
      (i)FAIL-Per sequence GC content
      (ii)FAIL-Sequence Duplication Levels
      (iii)FAIL-Overrepresented sequences
      (iv)FAIL-Kmer Content

      My questions
      (i) what I can I improve the reads before denovo assembly of mitochondrial reads?
      Don't get hung up on the FastQC report. You have created a very small subset of the total input reads, and a subset which likely represents an extreme fold coverage of the Mt genome. The FastQC results you are seeing are probably to be expected given the input.


      • #4
        It's always good to have more than one way to do something to add confidence that your results are correct.

        So for a completely different approach to MITObim, why not just de novo assemble your reads? Since mitochondrial coverage levels are typically much higher than other genomic data, you only need to use a small fraction of a full data set to achieve sufficient mitochondrial coverage. This has worked well for me when I tried it.

        For example, with no trimming or other quality control, I took an entire Illumina Genome Analyzer II chimpanzee shotgun sequencing dataset and de novo assembled 5% of the data (which works out at around 1.4 million pairs) with default settings in Geneious apart from turning the allow circular contigs setting on. It produced around 260,000 contigs, the largest of which was a 16,500 bp circular contig which agrees with the known chimpanzee mitochondrial genome apart from SNPs. The whole process only took a few minutes of my time and just over an hour of CPU time.

        It may or may not work as well for plants and/or other assemblers but it's worth a go since it's such a simple solution.

        Note - for anyone not familiar with Geneious, it is commercial software with a 2 week trial, so there's plenty of time to freely use it on your own data sets. Here are the exact steps I did with

        1) Drag and drop the 2 fastq files into Geneious
        2) Select them both and go to 'Sequence -> Set Paired Reads' and set the insert size to 250
        3) Select 'Align/Assemble -> De Novo Assemble'
        4) Turned on "Use x% of the data" checkbox, setting x to 5.
        5) In the advanced options turned on the circular contigs option
        6) Clicked OK and a little over an hour later I had my circular mitochondrial sequence.


        • #5
          @Matt kearse: Did you use 2 fastqfiles of only mitchondrial reads?

          I find difficult in installing MITObim, can you please help me?

          I am trying to use MITObim for mitchondrial genome assembly project. I have tried tutorial provided in MITObim:

          I have installed Mira and MITObim 1.6. Mapping assembly with MIRA was sucessful, however wrapper script MITObim 1.6 stops at iteration 1, it should iterate upto 8 according the the tutorial, it says error "mirabait seems to have failed". What will be the reason

          mapping assembly with MIRA
          mira --project=initial-mapping-
          testpool-to-Salpinus-mt --job=mapping,genome,accurate,solexa -MI:somrnl=0 -AS:nop=1 -SB:bft=fasta:bbq=30:bsn=Salpinus-mt-genome SOLEXA_SETTINGS -CO:msr=no -SB:dsn=testpool

          for MITObim 1.6:
 -start 1 -end 10 -strain testpool -ref Salpinus_mt_genome -readpool initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_in.solexa.fastq -maf initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_assembly/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_d_results/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_out.maf &> log

          below is the log file:

          MITObim - mitochondrial baiting and iterative mapping
          version 1.6
          author: Christoph Hahn, (c) 2012-2013

          Full command run: ../ -start 1 -end 10 -strain testpool -ref Salpinus_mt_genome -readpool initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_in.solexa.fastq -maf initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_assembly/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_d_results/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_out.maf

          All paramters seem to make sense:
          startiteration: 1
          enditeration: 10
          strainname: testpool
          refname: Salpinus_mt_genome
          readpool: /PATH/MITObim-master/testdata1/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_in.solexa.fastq
          maf: /PATH/Downloads/MITObim-master/testdata1/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_assembly/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_d_results/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_out.maf
          quick: 0
          paired: 0
          denovo: 0 (mapping=0, denovo=1)
          noshow: 0
          read trimming: 0 (off=0, on=1)
          kmer baiting: 31
          platform: SOLEXA
          clean: 0 (off=0, on=1)
          proofread: 0

          Starting MITObim

          ITERATION 1
          May 8 10:20:53

          recover backbone by running convert_project on maf file

          Parsing special MIRA parameters: SOLEXA_SETTINGS -CO:fnicpst=yes

          Loading from maf, saving to: fasta fastaqual
          First counting reads:
          [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
          Now loading and processing data:
          [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.Localtime: Thu May 8 10:20:53 2014

          Generated 1692 unique template ids for 2548 valid reads.
          Localtime: Thu May 8 10:20:53 2014

          Seeing strain 1: "testpool"
          Seeing strain 2: "Salpinus-mt-genome"
          Generated 2 unique strain ids for 2548 reads.
          makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
          makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
          makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
          makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
          makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
          makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
          makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
          makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
          makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
          makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
          makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
          makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
          ... [100%]

          Data conversion process finished, no obvious errors encountered.
          SC Read:: read name issorted (1) capacity 4294967295(4) size 1
          SC Read:: scf path name issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 1
          SC Read:: exp path name issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 1
          SC Read:: machine type issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 1
          SC Read:: primer issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 1
          SC Read:: strain issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 3
          SC Read:: base caller issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 1
          SC Read:: dye issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 1
          SC Read:: process status issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 1
          SC Read:: clone vector name issorted (1) capacity 65535(2) size 1
          SC Read:: sequencing vector name issorted (1) capacity 65535(2) size 1
          SC asped issorted (1) capacity 4294967295(4) size 1

          fishing readpool using mirabait (k = 31)

          mirabait seems to have failed - see detailed output above


          • #6

            @Matt kearse: Did you use 2 fastqfiles of only mitchondrial reads?

            I find difficult in installing MITObim, can you please help me?

            I am trying to use MITObim for mitchondrial genome assembly project. I have tried tutorial provided in MITObim:

            I have installed Mira and MITObim 1.6. Mapping assembly with MIRA was sucessful, however wrapper script MITObim 1.6 stops at iteration 1, it should iterate upto 8 according the the tutorial, it says error "mirabait seems to have failed". What will be the reason

            mapping assembly with MIRA
            mira --project=initial-mapping-
            testpool-to-Salpinus-mt --job=mapping,genome,accurate,solexa -MI:somrnl=0 -AS:nop=1 -SB:bft=fasta:bbq=30:bsn=Salpinus-mt-genome SOLEXA_SETTINGS -CO:msr=no -SB:dsn=testpool

            for MITObim 1.6:
   -start 1 -end 10 -strain testpool -ref Salpinus_mt_genome -readpool initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_in.solexa.fastq -maf initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_assembly/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_d_results/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_out.maf &> log

            below is the log file:

            MITObim - mitochondrial baiting and iterative mapping
            version 1.6
            author: Christoph Hahn, (c) 2012-2013

            Full command run: ../ -start 1 -end 10 -strain testpool -ref Salpinus_mt_genome -readpool initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_in.solexa.fastq -maf initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_assembly/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_d_results/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_out.maf

            All paramters seem to make sense:
            startiteration: 1
            enditeration: 10
            strainname: testpool
            refname: Salpinus_mt_genome
            readpool: /PATH/MITObim-master/testdata1/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_in.solexa.fastq
            maf: /PATH/Downloads/MITObim-master/testdata1/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_assembly/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_d_results/initial-mapping-testpool-to-Salpinus-mt_out.maf
            quick: 0
            paired: 0
            denovo: 0 (mapping=0, denovo=1)
            noshow: 0
            read trimming: 0 (off=0, on=1)
            kmer baiting: 31
            platform: SOLEXA
            clean: 0 (off=0, on=1)
            proofread: 0

            Starting MITObim

            ITERATION 1
            May 8 10:20:53

            recover backbone by running convert_project on maf file

            Parsing special MIRA parameters: SOLEXA_SETTINGS -CO:fnicpst=yes

            Loading from maf, saving to: fasta fastaqual
            First counting reads:
            [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
            Now loading and processing data:
            [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.Localtime: Thu May 8 10:20:53 2014

            Generated 1692 unique template ids for 2548 valid reads.
            Localtime: Thu May 8 10:20:53 2014

            Seeing strain 1: "testpool"
            Seeing strain 2: "Salpinus-mt-genome"
            Generated 2 unique strain ids for 2548 reads.
            makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
            makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
            makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
            makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
            makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
            makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
            makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
            makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
            makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
            makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
            makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
            makeIntelligentConsensus() complete calc
            ... [100%]

            Data conversion process finished, no obvious errors encountered.
            SC Read:: read name issorted (1) capacity 4294967295(4) size 1
            SC Read:: scf path name issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 1
            SC Read:: exp path name issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 1
            SC Read:: machine type issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 1
            SC Read:: primer issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 1
            SC Read:: strain issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 3
            SC Read:: base caller issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 1
            SC Read:: dye issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 1
            SC Read:: process status issorted (1) capacity 255(1) size 1
            SC Read:: clone vector name issorted (1) capacity 65535(2) size 1
            SC Read:: sequencing vector name issorted (1) capacity 65535(2) size 1
            SC asped issorted (1) capacity 4294967295(4) size 1

            fishing readpool using mirabait (k = 31)

            mirabait seems to have failed - see detailed output above


            • #7
              Originally posted by bioman1 View Post
              I find difficult in installing MITObim, can you please help me?
              Double check the version of MIRA matches what the version of MITObim recommends. In particular MIRA 3 and 4 are very different, but the exact version may matter too. Also you could try the MIRA mailing list (assuming MITObim doesn't have its own forum/list).
              Last edited by maubp; 10-03-2014, 05:20 AM. Reason: typo


              • #8
                @Matt kearse: Did you use 2 fastqfiles of only mitchondrial reads?
                No, I just used a whole genome data set without any sort of filtering for mitochondria.


                • #9
                  I have used stable version of MIRA and MITObim 1.6 (double checked I am using correct version). The problem it can find mirabait executables while running MITObim 1.6. I tried export MIRA path in .bashrc and also tried with --MIRAPATH option.
                  @Matt Kears: Well it seems easy method in getting mitochondrial as circular contigs. I don't understand how Geneious gets mitchondrial reads without mapping to any reference mitochondria reads or align the assembled contigs to reference mitochondria genome?. I think from your steps (i) Geneious first do denovo assemble the whole genomic reads (ii) then you use only 5% of them to form circular contigs, but how sure if it is from mitochondria? may be it from chloroplast reads (if plants). I am sorry for misinterpretation. Could you please explain a bit?.


                  • #10
                    With plant mitochondria you aren't necessarily expecting a single cyclic strand of DNA (for example:


                    • #11
                      I was able to use Geneious to assemble mitochondrial DNA form Illumina reads of fish DNA but in a different way than that suggested by Matt Kearse. I started with a small number of mitochondrial genes from a related species and then assembled to each of the genes with the Map to Reference function with an "Iterate up to X times" option. This iteratively extends the assembly of the contig from the initial gene outward. Eventually, the resulting contigs will overlap giving rise to the entire mitochondria DNA sequence. This may be similar to what MITObim does? It may be necessary to only use a fraction of the reads if the mtDNA sequences are highly enriched.


                      • #12
                        Well it seems easy method in getting mitochondrial as circular contigs. I don't understand how Geneious gets mitchondrial reads without mapping to any reference mitochondria reads or align the assembled contigs to reference mitochondria genome?. I think from your steps (i) Geneious first do denovo assemble the whole genomic reads (ii) then you use only 5% of them to form circular contigs, but how sure if it is from mitochondria? may be it from chloroplast reads (if plants). I am sorry for misinterpretation. Could you please explain a bit?.
                        It varies greatly between different cells, but I think on average there are around 200 mitochondria per cell so you usually get a much higher level of mitochondrial coverage in a WGS data set compared to nuclear DNA. If you de novo assemble at an appropriate level of data, then there will be insufficient coverage to generate contigs of significant length from nuclear DNA so that will mostly end up as short contigs. Mitochondrial DNA (and for example chloroplasts in plants) will have higher levels of coverage and so are able to form larger or complete contigs.

                        Yes you're right - you may get chloroplast contigs too if you sequenced a region of the plant that has high chloroplast levels. In this case you'll need to do some analysis of the contigs to determine which are chloroplast or mitochondria.


                        • #13
                          Dears, I found this thread interesting and I'm trying to use this procedure.
                          I have 140M RNAseq reads in paired-ends (140M+140M) too much. MIRA give me clear warning, too much coverage. So I'm splitting reads in blocks in order to get a better coverage.

                          Everything works, but as expected each read block gives a differente result and, because I'm using RNAseq data I have mainly sequences from coding genes. That means I have uncomplete contigs.

                          What I'd like to do, to use as much information as possible, is to assemble all these condings (one for each read block) and obtain a sort of consensus.

                          Do you have any advise how to do it? I was trying to use CAGOB (wgs-assembler), but since contigs have "x" (gaps) apparently it does not work!

                          Thank you so much for your help


                          • #14
                            You need to use a transcriptome assembler (SOAPdenovo-Trans, Trinity, Trans-abyss etc.), of course a genome assembler will fail with RNA-seq data, almost all of the assumptions regarding the data are violated.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Jeremy View Post
                              ... of course a genome assembler will fail with RNA-seq data, almost all of the assumptions regarding the data are violated.
                              @Jeremy. I think that the protocol works pretty well, and the way MIRA and MITObim work is not contrary to situation in which you do not have a complete coverage on the molecule. But maybe @maubp can solve the issue, seems to be familiar with the method.

                              I'm expecting to have a fragmented reconstruction of the genome, with no coverage on polyadenylated transcripts or shorter than my insert and that is what I have. I just would like take advantage of my high amount of reads and determine the most accurate reconstruction using replicas.



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