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  • bedGraphToBigWig does not work with single base coverage


    I've identified a "bug" in UCSC's bedGraphToBigWig.
    It does not work with single base coverage.

    If I have a file where the start and end are always equal (i.e. single base coverage), the bigWig file generated by bedGraphToBigWig is empty.
    Does anyone have a workaround, or am I simply not respecting the format for bedgraph files? If I want to include the count just for base 1, how am I supposed to write it?
    1 1 count
    1 2 count
    The 1st option appears correct but bedGraphToBigWig will not take it.
    It would be a big job to convert all my bedgraph files to the format bedGraphToBigWig appears to want.

    Here are 2 example bedgraph files: test1.bedgraph with the start and the end equal to 1, and test2.bedgraph where the start and end are 1 and 2, respectively. The bigWig files generated by bedGraphToBigWig is empty in the first case, and with 1 base covered in the second case.

    blancha@sw-2r12-n36 ~]$ more test1.bedgraph
    chr1 1 1 1
    [blancha@sw-2r12-n36 ~]$ more test2.bedgraph
    chr1 1 2 1
    [blancha@sw-2r12-n36 ~]$ bedGraphToBigWig test1.bedgraph UCSCChromInfo.txt
    [blancha@sw-2r12-n36 ~]$ bedGraphToBigWig test2.bedgraph UCSCChromInfo.txt
    [blancha@sw-2r12-n36 ~]$ bigWigInfo
    version: 4
    isCompressed: yes
    isSwapped: 0
    primaryDataSize: 30
    primaryIndexSize: 6,204
    zoomLevels: 1
    chromCount: 1
    basesCovered: 0
    mean: -nan
    min: 1.000000
    max: 1.000000
    std: -nan
    [blancha@sw-2r12-n36 ~]$ bigWigInfo
    version: 4
    isCompressed: yes
    isSwapped: 0
    primaryDataSize: 32
    primaryIndexSize: 6,204
    zoomLevels: 1
    chromCount: 1
    basesCovered: 1
    mean: 1.000000
    min: 1.000000
    max: 1.000000
    std: 0.000000

    Thank you for your help.
    Last edited by blancha; 05-28-2014, 01:51 PM.

  • #2
    I think your bedgraph should be the second way, 1 2 not 1 1, because bedgraph files are "half open".


    • #3
      Great. Thanks BioComputer.
      That is exactly the formal definition I was looking for.

      I did waste half a day figuring out the "bug", though.
      Thankfully, you had a quick answer to my question, as I would never have figured out the reason behind the "bug" on my own.
      I guess it's more of a "feature".
      Now, I just need to decide if I should write a Python script to correct the coordinates, or whether if I run bismark_methylation_extractor again with the --zero_based parameter I will get the desired format.

      I used bismark_methylation_extractor to generate the BED files. The output was a bit confusing since, by default, the bedgraph file outputted has 0-based start coords and 1-based end coords, whereas the other BED files generated have 1-based genomic coords.

      To be fair, it is in the documentation, although I'm still unsure if adding the --zero-based parameter will result in 0-based start and end coordinates, or just 0-based start coordinates, and 1-based end coordinates. I imagine it is the latter.
      Bioinformatics is so much fun.

      Thanks again!


      • #4
        So you just have to add 1 to each value in the end position column? I'm still learning this stuff so there's probably a better way to do this, but this command below worked when I tested it on a small file. It assumes tab-separated columns, should add 1 to each value in the 3rd column, and should print out any non-position lines (ie. any lines that don't start with "chr" like a file header) as is. Test first and use at your own risk

        awk '/^chr/ {FS="\t";$3=$3+1;print} !/^chr/{print}' inputFile > outputFile
        Or instead of adding 1 to the end position do you need to substract 1 from each start position?

        awk '/^chr/ {FS="\t";$2=$2-1;print} !/^chr/{print}' inputFile > outputFile
        Here's another version that should do the same thing, maybe it'll be faster?

        awk 'BEGIN { OFS="\t"}{if (/^chr/) $3=$3+1; print}' inputFile > outputFile
        Last edited by biocomputer; 05-28-2014, 05:35 PM.


        • #5
          If you are going to use UCSC browser to display the files consider this:


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