I have some metagenomic data obtained from whole genome shotgun sequencing using illumina-hiseq. The reads are 100bp paired end and when I examine the reads in fastqc, I see a couple of things. Firstly, the per base sequence content and per base GC content seem to be very skewed at the beginning of the reads (~ bp 1-16), and the per base N content seems to have a spike at bp 4. As well, I have over represented kmers at the beginning of the reads which do not belong to any adapters (as far as I can tell). I know that these trends are sometimes seen in RNA-seq data due to the (not so) random hexamer priming but I am confused as to why I see this in whole genome data. I am also not sure about the N spike at bp 4. I have attached images of what I mentioned and would appreciate any insight.