@Brian Bushnell
Ah OK, I see. So it "expects" to not find the adapter sequence there, since it has hopefully been removed by BBDuk. Slightly unrelated, I am using RNA-Seq data for a coniferous tree species, and am assembling using conventional assemblers such as Trinity, Velvet-Oases, etc. BBMerge is appropriate for this purpose, right? I keep noticing a lot of threads talking about 16S data, or amplicon data, and I haven't even heard of the assemblers that you mentioned .
Ah OK, I see. So it "expects" to not find the adapter sequence there, since it has hopefully been removed by BBDuk. Slightly unrelated, I am using RNA-Seq data for a coniferous tree species, and am assembling using conventional assemblers such as Trinity, Velvet-Oases, etc. BBMerge is appropriate for this purpose, right? I keep noticing a lot of threads talking about 16S data, or amplicon data, and I haven't even heard of the assemblers that you mentioned .