Hi, dears.
Last night I ran the code:
nohup bowtie2 -x Ref_index -U ER172.fastq --local -D 20 -R 3 -N 1 -L 21 -i S,1,0.75 -p 15 | samtools view -bS -t Ref.fa.fai - > ER172.bam
Unfortunately,I got:
[sam_read1] reference ' 1482179 (26.27%) aligned 0 times' is recognized as '*'.Parse error at line 5645986: invalid CIGAR character
I tried to view the line 5645986 from fastq, but I failed to find the reason. Maybe I need to view it from .sam file, but I used the pipe with no .sam file.
Can you help me ?
Last night I ran the code:
nohup bowtie2 -x Ref_index -U ER172.fastq --local -D 20 -R 3 -N 1 -L 21 -i S,1,0.75 -p 15 | samtools view -bS -t Ref.fa.fai - > ER172.bam
Unfortunately,I got:
[sam_read1] reference ' 1482179 (26.27%) aligned 0 times' is recognized as '*'.Parse error at line 5645986: invalid CIGAR character
I tried to view the line 5645986 from fastq, but I failed to find the reason. Maybe I need to view it from .sam file, but I used the pipe with no .sam file.
Can you help me ?