Originally posted by Brian Bushnell
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I hope you will show me otherwise.
Among other ART options there are insert size variation (stdev) , various error profiles separate for forward and reverse reads, sam file output.
However it is slow and did not work at all for me for a 1.5 Gb genome.
From the ART readme:
===== PARAMETERS =====
-1 --qprof1 the first-read quality profile
-2 --qprof2 the second-read quality profile
-amp --amplicon amplicon sequencing simulation
-d --id the prefix identification tag for read ID
-ef --errfree indicate to generate the zero sequencing errors SAM file as well the regular one
NOTE: the reads in the zero-error SAM file have the same alignment positions
as those in the regular SAM file, but have no sequencing errors
-f --fcov the fold of read coverage to be simulated or number of reads/read pairs generated for each amplicon
-h --help print out usage information
-i --in the filename of input DNA/RNA reference
-ir --insRate the first-read insertion rate (default: 0.00009)
-ir2 --insRate2 the second-read insertion rate (default: 0.00015)
-dr --delRate the first-read deletion rate (default: 0.00011)
-dr2 --delRate2 the second-read deletion rate (default: 0.00023)
-l --len the length of reads to be simulated
-m --mflen the mean size of DNA/RNA fragments for paired-end simulations
-mp --matepair indicate a mate-pair read simulation
-nf --maskN the cutoff frequency of 'N' in a window size of the read length for masking genomic regions
NOTE: default: '-nf 1' to mask all regions with 'N'. Use '-nf 0' to turn off masking
-na --noALN do not output ALN alignment file
-o --out the prefix of output filename
-p --paired indicate a paired-end read simulation or to generate reads from both ends of amplicons
-q --quiet turn off end of run summary
-qs --qShift the amount to shift every first-read quality score by
-qs2 --qShift2 the amount to shift every second-read quality score by
NOTE: For -qs/-qs2 option, a positive number will shift up quality scores (the max is 93)
that reduce substitution sequencing errors and a negative number will shift down
quality scores that increase sequencing errors. If shifting scores by x, the error
rate will be 1/(10^(x/10)) of the default profile.
-rs --rndSeed the seed for random number generator (default: system time in second)
NOTE: using a fixed seed to generate two identical datasets from different runs
-s --sdev the standard deviation of DNA/RNA fragment size for paired-end simulations.
-sam --samout indicate to generate SAM alignment file
-sp --sepProf indicate to use separate quality profiles for different bases (ATGC)
NOTE: art will automatically switch to a mate-pair simulation if the given mean fragment size >= 2000
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