I am trying to run GeneMark-ES on a fungal genome. I get this error only when I include the intron coordinates option --ET.
When the program starts section ET_B training step, and while creating the symbolic link in the ET_C_1 to ET_B, it crashes in the parsing script with the following error:
I am using GeneMark-ES Suite version 4.21
I used tophat2 2.0.13 to perform my alignment
As recommended, I created the introns file for GeneMark from the tophat alignment using the script /home/myname/Applications/GeneMarkES/bet_to_gff.pl --bet junctions.bed --gff tophat_introns.gff --label Tophat2
I am running GeneMark using the command
gmes_petap.pl --ES --fungus --ET tophat_introns.gff --et_score 10 --min_contig 150000 --cores 12 --sequence mydraftgenome.fasta
Has anyone came across something similar? Meanwhile I am repeating the tophat alignment and will try again.
When the program starts section ET_B training step, and while creating the symbolic link in the ET_C_1 to ET_B, it crashes in the parsing script with the following error:
Must input more than one data point! at /home/myname/Applications/GeneMarkES/parse_ET.pl line 213.
Invalid regression data
error on call: /home/myname/Applications/GeneMarkES/parse_ET.pl --section ET_C --cfg /home/myname/projectX/Maker/GeneMark/run.cfg --v
Invalid regression data
error on call: /home/myname/Applications/GeneMarkES/parse_ET.pl --section ET_C --cfg /home/myname/projectX/Maker/GeneMark/run.cfg --v
I used tophat2 2.0.13 to perform my alignment
As recommended, I created the introns file for GeneMark from the tophat alignment using the script /home/myname/Applications/GeneMarkES/bet_to_gff.pl --bet junctions.bed --gff tophat_introns.gff --label Tophat2
I am running GeneMark using the command
gmes_petap.pl --ES --fungus --ET tophat_introns.gff --et_score 10 --min_contig 150000 --cores 12 --sequence mydraftgenome.fasta
Has anyone came across something similar? Meanwhile I am repeating the tophat alignment and will try again.