Hello there,
I was wondering whether anybody on this list could knows how to run RepeatScout (1.0.5) and RepeatMasker (3.2.8).
Basically I have a new genome, and want to use RepeatScout to make a
library for RepeatMasker.
Here is what I do:
build_lmer_table -sequence genome.fa -freq genome.fq
RepeatScout -sequence genome.fa -output repeats.fa -freq genome.fq
filter-stage-1.prl repeats.fa &> repeats.fa.filter_1
RepeatMasker genome.fa -e abblast -lib repeats.fa.filter_1
Do I use the correct file for -lib?
RepeatMasker is still complaining about not finding Libraries/RepeatMasker.lib
and Libraries/RepeatmaskerLib.embl.
Thanks a lot in advance for any help.
I was wondering whether anybody on this list could knows how to run RepeatScout (1.0.5) and RepeatMasker (3.2.8).
Basically I have a new genome, and want to use RepeatScout to make a
library for RepeatMasker.
Here is what I do:
build_lmer_table -sequence genome.fa -freq genome.fq
RepeatScout -sequence genome.fa -output repeats.fa -freq genome.fq
filter-stage-1.prl repeats.fa &> repeats.fa.filter_1
RepeatMasker genome.fa -e abblast -lib repeats.fa.filter_1
Do I use the correct file for -lib?
RepeatMasker is still complaining about not finding Libraries/RepeatMasker.lib
and Libraries/RepeatmaskerLib.embl.
Thanks a lot in advance for any help.