Hi guys:
We now doing assemble metagenomics sequences which are from 454 GS FLX platform using Titanium Kit. There are 3 softwares (Newbler, Celera assembler and MIRA3) designed for 454 sequences. Is anyone has the experience use this softs? And how to set the best parameter for metagenome? How to confirm the accuracy of result owing to lack the reference genomes?
We now doing assemble metagenomics sequences which are from 454 GS FLX platform using Titanium Kit. There are 3 softwares (Newbler, Celera assembler and MIRA3) designed for 454 sequences. Is anyone has the experience use this softs? And how to set the best parameter for metagenome? How to confirm the accuracy of result owing to lack the reference genomes?