I am using HSmetrics and getting the below error. I downloaded picard tools from apt-get and installed it in /usr/bin/picard-tools. The hg19.fa was made by using
I am not sure what is wrong. Thank you .
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/bigZips/chromFa.tar.gz -O - | tar -zxf - and then using cat chr*.fa > hg19.fa to concatenate them into one file
dnascopev@ubuntu:~$ cd "/media/C2F8EFBFF8EFAFB9" dnascopev@ubuntu:/media/C2F8EFBFF8EFAFB9$ picard-tools CalculateHsMetrics BI=target_regions.bed TI=xgen_targets_sort.bed I=IonXpress_009_150603.bam O=IonXpress_009_150603_epilepsy70.CalculateHSmetrics R=/home/dnascopev/Desktop/hg19_fasta/hg19.fa ERROR: Unrecognized option: R