I am running BBDuk to trim adapters from my fastq files and remove reads with low quality. My RNAseq was PE and done on 8 lanes for each sample, so for each sample I have 8 forward read files and 8 reverse read files.
I concatenated the 8 R1 fastq files into 1 big file and the same for the R2 fastq files, so in the end I have 2 files per samples (R1 and R2).
I then run BBDuk2 using the following options:
bash bbduk2.sh -Xmx60g in1=/PATH/R1_001.fastq.gz in2=/PATH/R2_001.fastq.gz out1=/PATH/trimmedR1_001.fastq.gz out2=/PATH/trimmedR2_001.fastq.gz ref="/home/ea11g10/bbmap/resources/truseq.fa.gz" ktrim=r literal=GCTCTTCCGATCT ktrim=l k=13 mink=11 hdist=1 rcomp=t minlen=25 qtrim=rl trimq=10 tpe tbo
However, the process completes very quickly and below is the input I get:
Each individual file was around 10/11 million reads, so the fact that its only trimming 21 million reads suggest that its not getting the whole concatenated fastq file, which in total should input around 160 million reads (80 from R1 and 80 from R2)
Would anyone be able to help me with this,
I am running BBDuk to trim adapters from my fastq files and remove reads with low quality. My RNAseq was PE and done on 8 lanes for each sample, so for each sample I have 8 forward read files and 8 reverse read files.
I concatenated the 8 R1 fastq files into 1 big file and the same for the R2 fastq files, so in the end I have 2 files per samples (R1 and R2).
I then run BBDuk2 using the following options:
bash bbduk2.sh -Xmx60g in1=/PATH/R1_001.fastq.gz in2=/PATH/R2_001.fastq.gz out1=/PATH/trimmedR1_001.fastq.gz out2=/PATH/trimmedR2_001.fastq.gz ref="/home/ea11g10/bbmap/resources/truseq.fa.gz" ktrim=r literal=GCTCTTCCGATCT ktrim=l k=13 mink=11 hdist=1 rcomp=t minlen=25 qtrim=rl trimq=10 tpe tbo
However, the process completes very quickly and below is the input I get:
PHP Code:
Input is being processed as paired
Started output streams: 0.126 seconds.
Processing time: 283.543 seconds.
Input: 21426254 reads 2164051654 bases.
QTrimmed: 4185899 reads (19.54%) 253488944 bases (11.71%)
KTrimmed: 2490280 reads (11.62%) 97961555 bases (4.53%)
Trimmed by overlap: 1425360 reads (6.65%) 7478966 bases (0.35%)
Result: 19219200 reads (89.70%) 1816127246 bases (83.92%)
Time: 283.852 seconds.
Reads Processed: 21426k 75.48k reads/sec
Bases Processed: 2164m 7.62m bases/sec
Would anyone be able to help me with this,