How does DESeq which columns to assign to condition A and which to assign to column B? I previously ran an analysis in which column A corresponded to samples from males and column b corresponded to samples from females. This time around, it just so happens that column A corresponds to females and B to males. This is problematical for comparing datasets (for fold-change comparisons) so I tried to force DESeq to assign A to females using the following command:
res = nbinomTest( cds, "male", "female" )
but this did not have the intended effect (i.e. there was no change) - "A" is still females. Is there any way to specify how the program defines the conditions, aside from re-ordering the columns in the input table?
res = nbinomTest( cds, "male", "female" )
but this did not have the intended effect (i.e. there was no change) - "A" is still females. Is there any way to specify how the program defines the conditions, aside from re-ordering the columns in the input table?