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  • RNAseq analysis, and bam files

    Hello everyone,
    I m handling for the first time bam files from RNAseq and my work is to perform a differential expression analysis. Looking online, I could see there are many tutorials and different ways to do this analysis. I was able to perform example from bioconductor website but I m not able to process my files.

    My question is, what is the first step to do with two bam files?

    Some tutorial says to use salmon other to use something else,
    some others says I have to convert bam to sam files for other bam is enough ...

    I would be more than happy if you guys can give me an idea about how to proceed first
    thank you

  • #2
    1. Run featureCounts to produce counts.
    2. Load into DESeq2 or edgeR or limma and follow the appropriate vignette

    Salmon is a newer method that requires either fastq files or BAM files of transcriptome alignments. It's unlikely that you have those. There is never a reason any more to make a SAM file, that's just a waste of space.


    • #3
      Hi Devon Ryan,
      Thank you for your answer, do you know where I can find a good tutorial that explains how to use featureCounts?

      or if I can have the comman line

      Last edited by NDUFB11; 07-03-2017, 06:07 PM.


      • #4
        featureCounts manual.


        • #5
          Thank you genoMax, doesn t seem to be easy :/


          • #6
            It is not that difficult if you have some command like skills. If not, can you do R? There is an R package for subread/featurecounts that could be used instead.

            All you basically need to do is this (-s 2 is for stranded libraries, if yours is not then use -s 1):
            featureCounts -s 2 -t exon -g gene_id -a annotation.gtf -o counts.txt mapping_results_file1.bam mapping_results_file2.bam
            This will use the annotation file (in GTF format) to identify regions of interest (in this case exon) and then summarize the counts at the gene level (using gene_id) and write the results out to a file (count.txt) as a matrix. Rows would be your gene_id and columns your samples. First 5 columns in the matrix would be annotation. Last two columns will contain the counts for your samples (you have 2 correct, if there are more then include those files in the command line and you will get extra columns in the matrix file). You don't even need to sort the bam files since featureCounts can do that itself.


            • #7
              Ok I tell you my story,

              I have R, containing the package Rsubread::featureCounts() and I have two bam files which I named Cell1.bam and Cell2.bam.

              I m in the directory where this files are

              > getwd()
              [1] "/Users/name/Desktop/bamfolder"

              now, if I copy paste this command line I get this
              > featureCounts -s 2 -t exon -g gene_id -a annotation.gtf -o counts.txt mapping_results_file1.bam mapping_results_file2.bam
              Error: unexpected numeric constant in "featureCounts -s 2"

              This is because upstream I miss something, like the word file1.bam and file2.bam need to be Cell1.bam and Cell2.bam, is this correct?

              What is missing I guess is the GTF file, should I take it from ensamble?

              Thanks a lot
              Last edited by NDUFB11; 07-04-2017, 06:27 PM.


              • #8
                The command I had posted is for using in a shell. You should be able to figure out the R equivalent from subread vignette.

                You would need to find a GTF for the genome build that was used to generate your alignment files (you can't mix/match otherwise the results may be nonsense).


                • #9
                  Dear GenoMax,
                  I think I did another step forward, I run FutureCounts in R.
                  I used this command line:

                  > z <- featureCounts(fls, "hg19", nthreads = 30)

                  but it s not clear to me, how the program counts the reads just writing hg19 as genome reference on the line, without loading any file. Can you tell me more please?

                  I got this at the end:

                  ========== _____ _ _ ____ _____ ______ _____
                  ===== / ____| | | | _ \| __ \| ____| /\ | __ \
                  ===== | (___ | | | | |_) | |__) | |__ / \ | | | |
                  ==== \___ \| | | | _ <| _ /| __| / /\ \ | | | |
                  ==== ____) | |__| | |_) | | \ \| |____ / ____ \| |__| |
                  ========== |_____/ \____/|____/|_| \_\______/_/ \_\_____/
                  Rsubread 1.26.0

                  //========================== featureCounts setting ===========================\\
                  || ||
                  || Input files : 2 BAM files ||
                  || S wgEncodeRikenCageGm12878CellPapAlnRep1.bam ||
                  || S wgEncodeRikenCageHelas3CellPapAlnRep1.bam ||
                  || ||
                  || Dir for temp files : . ||
                  || Threads : 16 ||
                  || Level : meta-feature level ||
                  || Paired-end : no ||
                  || Strand specific : no ||
                  || Multimapping reads : not counted ||
                  || Multi-overlapping reads : not counted ||
                  || Min overlapping bases : 1 ||
                  || ||
                  \\===================== ======================//

                  //================================= Running ==================================\\
                  || ||
                  || Load annotation file /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/Rsubread/annot/hg19 ... ||
                  || Features : 225074 ||
                  || Meta-features : 25702 ||
                  || Chromosomes/contigs : 52 ||
                  || ||
                  || Process BAM file wgEncodeRikenCageGm12878CellPapAlnRep1.bam... ||
                  || Single-end reads are included. ||
                  || Assign reads to features... ||
                  || Total reads : 19677397 ||
                  || Successfully assigned reads : 14167723 (72.0%) ||
                  || Running time : 0.15 minutes ||
                  || ||
                  || Process BAM file wgEncodeRikenCageHelas3CellPapAlnRep1.bam... ||
                  || Single-end reads are included. ||
                  || Assign reads to features... ||
                  || Total reads : 24319886 ||
                  || Successfully assigned reads : 18864794 (77.6%) ||
                  || Running time : 1.08 minutes ||
                  || ||
                  || Read assignment finished. ||
                  || ||
                  \\===================== ======================//
                  Last edited by NDUFB11; 07-11-2017, 01:34 PM.


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