I have been working on how to incorporate a linker when simulating paired reads from an assembly of 454 reads and have a few questions about how the linker sequence is used. From my experience, Newbler will treat simulated pairs as single end even if you try to say they are from a paired-end run. If anyone could suggest a reference, other than the 454 website, as to how the linker is used or if there are other things that are used to distinguish pairs that would be appreciated.
If there is a tool similar to wgsim for 454 data then that would really help. I am not restricted to using Newbler by any means but I am not really wanting to generate reads with wgsim, for example, and have to assemble (or map) them as Illumina reads.
I have been working on how to incorporate a linker when simulating paired reads from an assembly of 454 reads and have a few questions about how the linker sequence is used. From my experience, Newbler will treat simulated pairs as single end even if you try to say they are from a paired-end run. If anyone could suggest a reference, other than the 454 website, as to how the linker is used or if there are other things that are used to distinguish pairs that would be appreciated.
If there is a tool similar to wgsim for 454 data then that would really help. I am not restricted to using Newbler by any means but I am not really wanting to generate reads with wgsim, for example, and have to assemble (or map) them as Illumina reads.