IGV offers a number of "built in" genomes to display your .bam file against. These are apparently packaged in .genome files. The .genome file is actually a zipped set of a few files. But none of them seem to be the actual genome sequence.
Where does IGV keep the genome sequence?
For example, the chicken genome reference file, "galGal3.genome" after unzipping, via "ls -1s"
3 Chicken_galGal3_cytoband.txt
1514 chicken.refflat
3 property.txt
1755 refGene.txt
None of them contain the chicken reference sequence.
Where does IGV keep the genome sequence?
For example, the chicken genome reference file, "galGal3.genome" after unzipping, via "ls -1s"
3 Chicken_galGal3_cytoband.txt
1514 chicken.refflat
3 property.txt
1755 refGene.txt
None of them contain the chicken reference sequence.