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  • Originally posted by NGS group View Post
    Give it a few days before bumping please.


    • I'm always getting the error below. Tried bwa and bowtie, same error. Also different input files. Can anybody help?



      =>Thu Jun 26 13:58:40 2014: Building Bowtie index for contigs
      Warning: Empty input file
      Reference file does not seem to be a FASTA file
      Command: /x/bin/SSPACE-STANDARD-3.0_linux-x86_64/bowtie/bowtie-build --quiet --noref 13.18a/tmp.13.18a/subset_contigs.fasta 13.18a/alignoutput/13.18a.13.18.bowtieIndex

      Bowtie-build error; 256 at /x/bin/SSPACE-STANDARD-3.0_linux-x86_64/bin/ line 80.

      Process 'mapping reads' failed on Thu Jun 26 13:58:40 2014

      #the 'summary' file looks like this:

      READING READS 13.18:
      Total inserted pairs = 2200000


      Number of contig sequences =139
      Number of unmapped reads used for contig extension = 1009817
      Number of contigs extended = 110
      Number of bases extended = 25878

      LIBRARY 13.18 STATS:
      Last edited by susanklein; 06-25-2014, 09:32 PM.


      • Hello guys,

        I'm trying to extend contigs / join them into scaffolds but at some point I get this error message:

        Process 'extend/format contigs' failed
        And that's all I get... no extra logs or anything else.
        I'm running sspace with -v option but even so I'm not getting extra error output. Has any of you got through this?

        This is the command I'm using to call sspace:

        perl /home/george/SSPACE-STANDARD-3.0_linux-x86_64/ -x 1 -k 5 -z 100 -a 0.7 -m 35 -o 20 -b snake_extension -l libraries.txt -T 80 -s /work/snake/montagem/abyss/20140421_k91/    snake-6.fa -v 1>output.log 2>output.err

        Thanks in advance fellows!



        • Does this error mean that no reads were unmaped an therefore the file was empty??

          Thanks, anyone??

          Originally posted by susanklein View Post
          I'm always getting the error below. Tried bwa and bowtie, same error. Also different input files. Can anybody help?



          =>Thu Jun 26 13:58:40 2014: Building Bowtie index for contigs
          Warning: Empty input file
          Reference file does not seem to be a FASTA file
          Command: /x/bin/SSPACE-STANDARD-3.0_linux-x86_64/bowtie/bowtie-build --quiet --noref 13.18a/tmp.13.18a/subset_contigs.fasta 13.18a/alignoutput/13.18a.13.18.bowtieIndex

          Bowtie-build error; 256 at /x/bin/SSPACE-STANDARD-3.0_linux-x86_64/bin/ line 80.

          Process 'mapping reads' failed on Thu Jun 26 13:58:40 2014

          #the 'summary' file looks like this:

          READING READS 13.18:
          Total inserted pairs = 2200000


          Number of contig sequences =139
          Number of unmapped reads used for contig extension = 1009817
          Number of contigs extended = 110
          Number of bases extended = 25878

          LIBRARY 13.18 STATS:


          • Originally posted by condomitti View Post
            Hello guys,

            I'm trying to extend contigs / join them into scaffolds but at some point I get this error message:

            Process 'extend/format contigs' failed
            And that's all I get... no extra logs or anything else.
            I'm running sspace with -v option but even so I'm not getting extra error output. Has any of you got through this?

            This is the command I'm using to call sspace:

            perl /home/george/SSPACE-STANDARD-3.0_linux-x86_64/ -x 1 -k 5 -z 100 -a 0.7 -m 35 -o 20 -b snake_extension -l libraries.txt -T 80 -s /work/snake/montagem/abyss/20140421_k91/    snake-6.fa -v 1>output.log 2>output.err

            Thanks in advance fellows!

            Hi guys,

            Any clue here? Anyone who could have faced something like that?



            • Originally posted by boetsie View Post
              Hmmm, It seems that in the newest version of perl they removed the library (see At this site they explain how to solve this issue:

              Hope this helps.
              Anyone have an idea on this?
              I looked at the nasa site and I am confused about how to solve the problem.
              I found this on anothe page at the nasa site. The link to the fix it script is broken though....

              Perl scripts with newer Perl:

              "Many of the older Perl scripts in HEASoft (e.g. fhelp) require the or libraries which are no longer available in the newest Perl distributions, e.g. Perl 5.16.2 which ships with Fedora 18. This can result in the error "Can't locate in @INC..." when trying to run a script. To get around this, users may either download and install the Perl4::CoreLibs module from CPAN which includes, or download and run (in $HEADAS/../ftools/<architecture>/bin) a script which repairs our older Perl scripts to use Getopt::Std instead."



              • Last year i was able to run SSPACE just fine. Now I'm getting the "Can't locate in @INC…" error. Has anyone had success on a workaround? I'm on Mac OS X.

                Thanks, Leos


                • Nathan's post just above outlines two ways to fix this, the simpler one sounded like installing Perl4::CoreLibs module from CPAN.


                  • Originally posted by maubp View Post
                    Nathan's post just above outlines two ways to fix this, the simpler one sounded like installing Perl4::CoreLibs module from CPAN.
                    Thanks. I was hoping someone could verify that this worked before I started mucking with the system. Anyway, I did the install of the Perl4::CoreLibs module from CPAN and that fixed it.


                    • I now have another problem with the script. Attempts to use bowtie failed due to problems with the output of the aligner and so I tried bwa as the aligner. However now after alignement I get this error call from the script.
                      Bwa error; 0 at line 288.

                      this is the line
                      system("$aligninput") == 0 || die "\nBwa error; $?" if($aligninput ne "");

                      Not sure what this means. My alignmentment folder looks fine.
                      I'm trying again without the extend contigs option but I sure would like to extend my contigs before scaffolding...

                      Last edited by fireant; 08-07-2014, 10:56 AM.


                      • Hi,

                        Has anyone seen this problem, and know how to fix it. We were going to remove the offending reads, but the we don't know how to convert the read names in the Reads dir, back to the input read names for removal. Or is there something else we can do? These are BAC end sequences - 3730 reads.



                        Error: Read (read1ad27Error: Read (Error: Read (rError: Read (read891/1)
                        is less than 4 characters long
                        203/Error: Read (read74read815/2) is less than 3 characters long
                        2) is less than 4 characters long
                        8/2) is less than 3 characters long
                        ead1170/2) is less than 3 characters long
                        73/2) is less than 3 characters long07/2
                        ) is less than 3 characters long
                        Error: Read (read1576/2) is less than 3 characters long
                        terminate called recursively
                        terminate called recursively
                        Error: Read (Error: Read (ead273/2) is less than 4 characters long
                        Error: Read (eadError: Read (read748/2) is less than 3 characters long
                        read207/2) is less than 3 characters long
                        295/2) is less than 3 characters long
                        Error: Read (read815/2) is less than 3 characters long
                        Error: Read (read891/1) is less than 4 characters long
                        Error: Read (read1073/2) is less than 3 characters long
                        Error: Read (read1170/2) is less than 3 characters long
                        terminate called after throwing an instance of 'terminate called


                        • Originally posted by fireant View Post
                          Bwa error; 0 at line 288.

                          this is the line
                          system("$aligninput") == 0 || die "\nBwa error; $?" if($aligninput ne "");

                          Not sure what this means. My alignmentment folder looks fine.
                          I'm trying again without the extend contigs option but I sure would like to extend my contigs before scaffolding...

                          Hi Nathan, just came across the same issue, could you find a way to fix it?



                          • Greetings all! Another plea for wisdom from SSPACE users...

                            So, I am working on a 1.7Gb diploid de novo genome assembly ( and wanted to try and employ some enhanced scaffolding to improve continuity of some of my existing draft assemblies. However, I get an error message upon completion of the sspace run:
                            "Process 'extend/format contigs' failed on Sat Dec 13 07:49:06 2014"

                            I have accepted default values to start with on the majority of the settings:
                            perl /home/jpummil/SSPACE-STANDARD-3.0_linux-x86_64/ -l libraries.txt -s Ray-53-contigs.fasta -x 1 -T 32 -b Ray_standard_out_v2_extend

                            Though sizeable (400GB memory and 18 hour runtime on 32 compute cores), not hitting any memory barriers, etc...job does complete and exit properly.

                            Think my libraries.txt is OK...
                            [jpummil@razor-l3 Snake_v2]$ more libraries.txt
                            lib1 bowtie /scratch/jpummil/Snake_v2/L001_R1_MiSeq.fastq /scratch/jpummil/Snake_v2/L001_R2_MiSeq.fastq 479 0.25 FR
                            lib2 bowtie /scratch/jpummil/Snake_v2/s1_R1_PE_Phred33.fastq /scratch/jpummil/Snake_v2/s1_R2_PE_Phred33.fastq 150 0.25 FR
                            lib3 bowtie /scratch/jpummil/Snake_v2/s2_R1_PE_Phred33.fastq /scratch/jpummil/Snake_v2/s2_R2_PE_Phred33.fastq 150 0.25 FR

                            Anything obvious come to mind? I had understood that with -x 1 flag, the assembly would be physically modified during the scaffolding process?

                            Thanks for any tips, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


                            • Originally posted by jpummil View Post
                              Think my libraries.txt is OK...
                              [jpummil@razor-l3 Snake_v2]$ more libraries.txt
                              lib1 bowtie /scratch/jpummil/Snake_v2/L001_R1_MiSeq.fastq /scratch/jpummil/Snake_v2/L001_R2_MiSeq.fastq 479 0.25 FR
                              lib2 bowtie /scratch/jpummil/Snake_v2/s1_R1_PE_Phred33.fastq /scratch/jpummil/Snake_v2/s1_R2_PE_Phred33.fastq 150 0.25 FR
                              lib3 bowtie /scratch/jpummil/Snake_v2/s2_R1_PE_Phred33.fastq /scratch/jpummil/Snake_v2/s2_R2_PE_Phred33.fastq 150 0.25 FR
                              Is your insert size really just 150 ± 38 bp? 150 bp sounds more like your read length. As far as I recall, I never got SSPACE working with bowtie. However, it worked just fine with BWA..

                              So a library file would have been something like:

                              Org1 bwa Truseq_1_LRTrimmed.fastq Truseq_2_LRTrimmed.fastq 430 0.50 FR
                              These were 100 bp reads with 430 bp median fragment size..
                              Last edited by rhinoceros; 12-17-2014, 11:46 PM.


                              • Originally posted by rhinoceros View Post
                                Is your insert size really just 150 ± 38 bp? 150 bp sounds more like your read length. As far as I recall, I never got SSPACE working with bowtie. However, it worked just fine with BWA..

                                So a library file would have been something like:

                                Org1 bwa Truseq_1_LRTrimmed.fastq Truseq_2_LRTrimmed.fastq 430 0.50 FR
                                These were 100 bp reads with 430 bp median fragment size..
                                Yup, data info below:
                                Current Filename File Size Encoding Length Insert Size Type
                                L001_R1_MiSeq.fastq 16GB Illumina 1.9 300bp 479 Pair Ended
                                L001_R2_MiSeq.fastq 16GB Illumina 1.9 300bp 479 Pair Ended

                                L003_R1_MP.fastq 21GB Illumina 1.9 101bp 6000 Mate Pairs
                                L003_R2_MP.fastq 21GB Illumina 1.9 101bp 6000 Mate Pairs

                                s1_R1_PE.fastq 27GB Illumina 1.5 101bp 150 Pair Ended
                                s1_R2_PE.fastq 27GB Illumina 1.5 101bp 150 Pair Ended

                                s2_R1_PE.fastq 24GB Illumina 1.5 101bp 150 Pair Ended
                                s2_R2_PE.fastq 24GB Illumina 1.5 101bp 150 Pair Ended

                                I'll try a couple with BWA and see what happens.


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