I took a pair of paired-end reads (PE1.fq and PE2.fq) and mapped it to my reference database using bwa tool and obtained an ouput in SAM format. Then I split the Aligned and Unaligned reads from the sam file using ViewSam from Picard.
However, I see that for some reads, one end is mapped/aligned and the other end is unaligned. Is this normal?
The problem at a later stage is that even if they are split into aligned and unaligned their flag is still set to "paired reads" and so if you try to convert either of the split-files (Aligned.sam and Unaligned.sam) back to fastq format using "SamToFastq" module of picard, it gives error showing that the other end of the paired read isn't found!
I just wrote a script to extract the fastq format file from this myself because of this issue. However, I would like to know the likeliness of this error.
Thank you.
I took a pair of paired-end reads (PE1.fq and PE2.fq) and mapped it to my reference database using bwa tool and obtained an ouput in SAM format. Then I split the Aligned and Unaligned reads from the sam file using ViewSam from Picard.
However, I see that for some reads, one end is mapped/aligned and the other end is unaligned. Is this normal?
The problem at a later stage is that even if they are split into aligned and unaligned their flag is still set to "paired reads" and so if you try to convert either of the split-files (Aligned.sam and Unaligned.sam) back to fastq format using "SamToFastq" module of picard, it gives error showing that the other end of the paired read isn't found!
I just wrote a script to extract the fastq format file from this myself because of this issue. However, I would like to know the likeliness of this error.
Thank you.