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  • #31
    Thanks for the quick reply,
    but as i tried to execute the command as you suggested, it seems fastq_screen tries to obtain bowtie's index file, and not with bowtie2 as specified with the --aligner flag.

    this is the command i executed:
    fastq_screen --subset 1000000  --illumina1_3 --threads 22 --outdir /someOutDirPath  --aligner bowtie2 --paired  /pathTo/raw_data/SomeFastq_L008_R1_001.fastq  /pathTo/raw_data/SomeRealtedFastq_R2_001.fastq
    and this is the error message i get :
    Reading configuration from '/PathTo/fastq_screen_v0.4.1/fastq_screen.conf'
    Using '/PathTo/bowtie2' as bowtie2 path
    Using 8 threads for searches
    Skipping DATABASE 'Human' since no bowtie index was found at '/PathTo/GRCh37/Sequence/Bowtie2Index'
    Skipping DATABASE 'Mouse' since no bowtie index was found at '/PathTo/GRCm38/Sequence/Bowtie2Index'
    Skipping DATABASE 'Rat' since no bowtie index was found at '/PathTo/RGSC3.4/Sequence/Bowtie2Index'
    Skipping DATABASE 'Ecoli' since no bowtie index was found at '/PathTo/EB1/Sequence/Bowtie2Index'
    Skipping DATABASE 'Yeast' since no bowtie index was found at '/PathTo/Ensembl/EF4/Sequence/Bowtie2Index'
    Skipping DATABASE 'PhiX' since no bowtie index was found at '/PathTo/1993-04-28/Sequence/Bowtie2Index'
    Skipping DATABASE 'Adapters' since no bowtie index was found at '/PathTo/Contaminants'
    No search libraries were configured at /PathTo/fastq_screen_v0.4.1//fastq_screen line 119.
    any other suggestions?
    it doesn't really matter to me which bowtie to use, whether it is bowtie or bowtie2.



    • #32
      I'm assuming that the /PathTo bits are replaced by a real path in your actual run?

      Can you please list the contents of /PathTo/GRCh37/Sequence/Bowtie2Index which should tell us why it's not finding the indices.


      • #33
        Yes, i replaced the real Path with /PathTo,
        please note that, before i added the flag, it seems the program recognize the Bowtie Index files.
        i did noticed the difference between the index files of Bowtie's version.
        here's the content of the folder:

        /GRCh37/Sequence/Bowtie2Index->ls -l
        total 3963084
        -rwxrwxr-x 1 chenzr biogroup 957090229 Apr 11  2012 genome.1.bt2
        -rwxrwxr-x 1 chenzr biogroup 714668672 Apr 11  2012 genome.2.bt2
        -rwxrwxr-x 1 chenzr biogroup      3239 Apr 11  2012 genome.3.bt2
        -rwxrwxr-x 1 chenzr biogroup 714668666 Apr 11  2012 genome.4.bt2
        lrwxrwxrwx 1 chenzr biogroup        29 Jul 10 16:20 genome.fa -> ../WholeGenomeFasta/genome.fa
        -rwxrwxr-x 1 chenzr bioinfo 957090229 Apr 11  2012 genome.rev.1.bt2
        -rwxrwxr-x 1 chenzr bioinfo 714668672 Apr 11  2012 genome.rev.2.bt2


        • #34

          I’m responsible for developing fastq_screen. The path to the index should include the genome base name. Adjust the configuration file so the index paths are:

          And so on. Also include the "--aligner bowtie2" option as well.

          I hope that helps.


          • #35
            Hi Steven,
            I am triing to use fasq_screen to remove wolbachia contamination from my illumina paired end reads. The program appears to run fine but my --nohits output fastq files are the same as the input even though the log file reports .02 % of reads hiting the wolbachia db I have.

            #Fastq_screen version: 0.4.2
            Library #Reads_processed #Unmapped %Unmapped #One_hit_one_library %One_hit_one_library #Multiple_hit
            s_one_library %Multiple_hits_one_library #One_hit_multiple_libraries %One_hit_multiple_libraries Multiple_hits
            _multiple_libraries %Multiple_hits_multiple_libraries
            Wolbachia 33070644 33063580 99.98 3201 0.01 3863 0.01 0 0.00 0 0.00

            %Hit_no_libraries: 99.98
            Is there another command that wil enable the removal of the reads that hit the db from the --nohit ouput?

            Thanks, Nathan


            • #36
              it will be useful for me
              Last edited by collacor; 03-07-2014, 04:46 PM. Reason: not complete
              Want to Learn more and more


              • #37
                Checking the number of reads is the same

                Hi Nathan,

                Thank you for your email. I would expect the “nohits” file to be very similar to the input file since 99.98% of the reads do not map to any genome. Just to check this is not a bug, are the number of lines in both the files the same? You can check with the Unix command wc –l [filename].

                Please let me know if the results are the same or different and I shall investigate further if need be.



                • #38
                  Hi Steven I did grep -c '@' and the seq counts are the same for the input and ouput files.



                  • #39
                    I also ran the wc -l command and the the file sets are identical in line number
                    1_CATTTT_L003_R1_001.fastq.cor.pair_1.fq = 132282576
                    1_CATTTT_L003_R1_001.fastq.cor.pair_1.fq_screen.txt_no_hits.txt = 132282576
                    The other odd thing is that I processed 8 sets of paired end reads and the last R2 of the files processed actually tripled in size.... from 11382611519 to 34147834557

                    Any advice?

                    Last edited by fireant; 03-11-2014, 07:22 AM.


                    • #40
                      Hi Simon, I am testing this application and I get the following error: No search libraries were configured at /Users/ZainA/Downloads/fastq_screen_v0.4.4/fastq_screen line 124

                      --threads 8 --aligner bowtie2 --conf=/Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/Dmel5_20.conf --outdir /Output --paired /Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/forward_1p.fastq /Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/reverse_2p.fastq
                      My configuration file looks like this:

                      BOWTIE /Users/ZainA/Downloads/bowtie-1.1.0
                      BOWTIE2 /Users/ZainA/Downloads/bowtie2-2.2.3
                      ##Drosophila Genome 5.20
                      DATABASE Dmel_5_20 /Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/genome
                      If you could kindly help me. I would greatly appreciate it.

                      Also what is the easiest method to install GD:Graph.

                      Thank you in advance.


                      • #41
                        You can install GD::Graph with the CPAN shell (you might need 'sudo' depending on your set up):
                        perl -MCPAN -e 'install GD::Graph'
                        For the Fastq_screen issue, make sure your database is indexed with bowie build before running the program (it's not clear if that is the case).


                        • #42
                          I actually built the index offline on my laptop (OSX) using bowtie2-build genome.fasta genome_index_bowtie2 . Previously, I was using the bowtie2 index made from iPlant. Unfortunately, I still received the same error as before.

                          fastq_screen --threads 8 --aligner bowtie2 --conf=/Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/Dmel5_20.conf --outdir /Output --paired /Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/S4A15_SRR070422_1p.fastq /Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/S4A15_SRR070422_2p.fastq 
                          Using fastq_screen v0.4.4
                          Reading configuration from '/Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/Dmel5_20.conf'
                          Using '/Users/ZainA/Downloads/bowtie2-2.2.3' as bowtie2 path
                          No search libraries were configured at /Users/ZainA/Downloads/fastq_screen_v0.4.4/fastq_screen line 124.
                          As for GD:Graph,

                          I get the following error:

                          Warning: prerequisite GD 1.18 not found.
                          Warning: prerequisite GD::Text 0.80 not found.
                          only nested arrays of non-refs are supported at /System/Library/Perl/5.12/ExtUtils/ line 664
                          Warning: No success on command[/usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL]
                          'YAML' not installed, will not store persistent state
                            /usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL -- NOT OK
                          Running make test
                            Make had some problems, won't test
                          Running make install
                            Make had some problems, won't install
                          How should I go about this. Thank you for the help in advance.


                          • #43
                            The reason it's saying that you don't have any libraries configured is that you're specifying that you should use bowtie2, but your library isn't marked as a bowtie2 library in your config file. Have a look at the example config file we ship with the distribution to see what the syntax looks like.

                            For GD graph - you didn't say what OS you were using. Assuming some type of linux, the easiest way is to install it from your package repository. On CentOS/Fedora I'd do:

                            yum install perl-GD-Graph

                            ..but there's likely to be something similar on whatever OS you're using.

                            If that's not an option then using the perl CPAN module is the next easiest way:

                            perl -MCPAN -e 'install GD::Graph'

                            Hope this helps


                            • #44
                              I am trying to run this on OSX Mountain Lion. I don't think yum will work on it. The other command generates the same error as before to get GD::Graph to work.

                              I tried to rearrange the configuration file as close to example version. Unfortunately, I still get this error.

                              I used the following to build the index database for my reference genome.

                              bowtie2-build reference.fasta reference_index_bowtie2
                              bowtie-build  reference.fasta reference_index_bowtie
                              My configuration file looks like this:

                              BOWTIE /Users/ZainA/Downloads/bowtie-1.1.0
                              BOWTIE2 /Users/ZainA/Downloads/bowtie2-2.2.3
                              ##Dmel_5_20 - sequences available from
                              DATABASE Dmel520_Bowtie /Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/Genomes/Dmel520_Bowtie BOWTIE
                              DATABASE Dmel520_Bowtie2 /Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/Genomes/Dmel520_Bowtie2 BOWTIE2
                              The output error for the following command is like this:

                              Dmel_520 ZainA$ fastq_screen --threads 8 --aligner bowtie2 --conf=/Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/Dmel5_20.conf --outdir /Output --paired /Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/forward.fastq /Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/reverse.fastq
                              The error:
                              Using fastq_screen v0.4.4
                              Reading configuration from '/Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/Dmel5_20.conf'
                              Using '/Users/ZainA/Downloads/bowtie2-2.2.3' as bowtie2 path
                              Skipping DATABASE 'Dmel520_Bowtie2' since no bowtie index was found at '/Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/Genomes/Dmel520_Bowtie2'
                              No search libraries were configured at /Users/ZainA/Downloads/fastq_screen_v0.4.4/fastq_screen line 124.
                              If you could kindly help. I would really appreciate it.
                              Thank you in advance.


                              • #45
                                You appear to be using the directory as base names for the database in the config file. Your bowtie2 index base name as indicated by your command line for bowtie2-build is "reference_index_bowtie2", so the conf file should have this line
                                DATABASE Dmel520_Bowtie2 /Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/Genomes/Dmel520_Bowtie2/reference_index_bowtie2 BOWTIE2
                                This assumes that your index files for bowtie2 are in "/Users/ZainA/Downloads/Dmel_520/Genomes/Dmel520_Bowtie2/" directory. If they are not there then replace with appropriate path.


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