Hello all,
I previously aligned several fastq files (sample.merged.dedup.realn.bam) to a reference genome using bwa-mem.
Now I want to align a different species sample to the same reference genome, but this file is a whole genome sequence in fasta format.
I found this thread: http://seqanswers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35608
Which made me tempted to use bowtie2 like this:
However I'm not sure I can do this or if I should try using a different tool/method.
After aligning and converting to bam format, I want to do variant calling for the whole dataset.
Thank you in advance,
I previously aligned several fastq files (sample.merged.dedup.realn.bam) to a reference genome using bwa-mem.
Now I want to align a different species sample to the same reference genome, but this file is a whole genome sequence in fasta format.
I found this thread: http://seqanswers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35608
Which made me tempted to use bowtie2 like this:
bowtie2 -p 4 -f -x reference -U genome.fasta -S genome.aligned.sam
After aligning and converting to bam format, I want to do variant calling for the whole dataset.
Thank you in advance,