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  • Optimal amount of RAM per processor in TopHat?

    Hi folks, just a quick observation and question.

    I recently ran TopHat for human derived mRNA 2x100bp paired end files with 12411993 reads for each pair. I used 5 processors and 20GB of RAM to process on our SGE cluster. When I got the report file back it was reported that the max memory used was just under 4.25GB (which surprised me a little).

    So, I want to limit the resources that I'm using on our cluster (obviously). Does anyone have a feel for how much memory I should request as a function of the number of processors that I use in TopHat?

    Last edited by sdarko; 05-19-2011, 05:39 AM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by sdarko View Post
    Hi folks, just a quick observation and question.

    I recently ran TopHat for human derived mRNA 2x100bp paired end files with 12411993 reads for each pair. I used 5 processors and 20GB of RAM to process on our SGE cluster. When I got the report file back it was reported that the max memory used was just under 4.25GB (which surprised me a little).

    So, I want to limit the resources that I'm using on our cluster (obviously). Does anyone have a feel for how much memory I should request as a function of the number of processors that I use in TopHat?

    I believe the amount of RAM depends mostly (if not only) on the size of the reference genome and ~4 GB sounds about right for the human one. So, yes, I think requesting 20 GB was unnecessary! Adding more RAM doesn't speed up the algorithm.

    Anyone please correct me if I got this wrong...



    • #3
      how do you run tophat on the SGE environment?

      here is the contents of a shell file I use but it constantly returns error report
      no such file or directory. !

      #$ -V
      #$ -N SEQ_practical
      #$ -S /bin/sh
      #$ -cwd
      #$ -m abes
      #$ -M [email protected]
      #$ -pe ompi 4-12
      #$ -q all.q

      mpirun -np $NSLOTS tophat -p 1 -i 30 -I 20000 --segment-length 16 --segment-mismatches 1 -G /opt/bowtie-0.12.7/indexes/refGene_mm8.gtf -o ~/set11/tophatOut11/11Tophat.out /opt/bowtie-0.12.7/indexes/mm8 ~/set11/Galaxy11_Ba_wt_starved_fastqsanger.txt

      sleep 60

      It doesnt matter if I use the full path or just the ~/..... I get the same error

      I f I run it as a serial job no error is returned, but that way I am not utilizing cluster power


      • #4
        Can anyone corroborate Dario's understanding? Is there really no advantage / use for more than 4GB RAM for the human genome? I can see logical reasons for both yes and no answers.

        Cole Trapnell's 2009 paper mentions memory usage twice.

        (1) "This memory-efficient data structure allows Bowtie to scan reads against a mammalian genome using around 2 GB of memory (within what is commonly available on a standard desktop computer)."
        It's hard to tell whether that's a sales pitch to PC users or a nice way of telling me that I can't utilize my machine's full potential.

        (2) "The entire TopHat run took 21 h, 50 min on a 3.0 GHz Intel Xeon 5160 processor, using <4 GB of RAM, a throughput of nearly 2.2 million reads per CPU hour."
        This suggests to me that 4GB really is a cap. Why would he choose low RAM usage over speed if >4GB was an option? That seems silly.

        Though it could be a red herring, here's someone claiming >20GB of RAM usage :
        Application of sequencing to RNA analysis (RNA-Seq, whole transcriptome, SAGE, expression analysis, novel organism mining, splice variants)

        In reading through the bowtie-build documentation and building hg19, there are mentions of 64-bit options (-bmax in particular) to utilize >4GB RAM. At first, I interpreted the options as a method to specifically build ebwt indexes which allow >4GB memory usage for bowtie/tophat, thus speeding up alignment. Upon second glance, it seems like the >4GB RAM option only applies to the indexing/building process. Ostensibly, this would speed ebwt index production, but result in identical ebwt indexes to those produced with default options. Thus, no effect on bowtie/tophat memory usage.

        Is there any clearly-written documentation on this? Every link I can Google is purple. Thanks.

        I'm in the middle of the first run on a new 16GB machine and I haven't seen more than 3.6GB used yet (see below for progress). At any given moment, 7/8 cores are maxed and 1/8 cores is around 50% usage, while a similar run on bowtie proper has all cores maxed constantly. I'm not sure if that's an indication that memory is a bottleneck for tophat or not. It's hard to believe that the processor is the only bottleneck and all cores aren't constantly at full tilt.

        [Wed Jan 4 20:54:56 2012] Beginning TopHat run (v1.3.3)
        [Wed Jan 4 20:54:56 2012] Preparing output location /media/data/grimmer/tophat-out//
        [Wed Jan 4 20:54:56 2012] Checking for Bowtie index files
        [Wed Jan 4 20:54:56 2012] Checking for reference FASTA file
        [Wed Jan 4 20:54:56 2012] Checking for Bowtie
        Bowtie version:
        [Wed Jan 4 20:54:56 2012] Checking for Samtools
        Samtools Version: 0.1.18
        [Wed Jan 4 20:54:56 2012] Generating SAM header for /hg19
        [Wed Jan 4 20:54:58 2012] Preparing reads
        format: fastq
        quality scale: solexa33 (reads generated with GA pipeline version < 1.3)
        Left reads: min. length=101, count=84425814
        Right reads: min. length=101, count=84440371
        [Wed Jan 4 21:59:02 2012] Mapping left_kept_reads against hg19 with Bowtie
        [Wed Jan 4 23:02:20 2012] Processing bowtie hits
        [Wed Jan 4 23:48:57 2012] Mapping left_kept_reads_seg1 against hg19 with Bowtie (1/4)
        [Thu Jan 5 00:41:23 2012] Mapping left_kept_reads_seg2 against hg19 with Bowtie (2/4)
        Last edited by grimmer; 01-05-2012, 01:25 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by SEQond View Post
          how do you run tophat on the SGE environment?

          here is the contents of a shell file I use but it constantly returns error report
          no such file or directory. !

          #$ -V
          #$ -N SEQ_practical
          #$ -S /bin/sh
          #$ -cwd
          #$ -m abes
          #$ -M [email][email protected][/email]
          #$ -pe ompi 4-12
          #$ -q all.q
          mpirun -np $NSLOTS tophat -p 1 -i 30 -I 20000 --segment-length 16 --segment-mismatches 1 -G /opt/bowtie-0.12.7/indexes/refGene_mm8.gtf -o ~/set11/tophatOut11/11Tophat.out /opt/bowtie-0.12.7/indexes/mm8 ~/set11/Galaxy11_Ba_wt_starved_fastqsanger.txt
          sleep 60

          It doesnt matter if I use the full path or just the ~/..... I get the same error

          I f I run it as a serial job no error is returned, but that way I am not utilizing cluster power
          Here is my script to run tophat and then kick off cufflinks in SGE.

          #$ -N tophat_20111220_ucsc
          #$ -S /bin/bash
          #$ -q long.q 
          #$ -M [email protected]
          #$ -m be
          #$ -l h_vmem=4G
          #$ -t 1-8
          echo $flowcell
          echo $lane
          echo $index
          export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bio_apps/fastx_toolkit/bin:/usr/local/bio_apps/tophat-1.3.3/bin:/usr/local/bio_apps/bowtie:/usr/local/bio_apps/samtools:/usr/local/bio_apps/cufflinks-1.2.1
          export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sge/bin/lx24-amd64
          cd $dir
          tophat -o $output -r $mate_inner_dist --solexa1.3-quals --max-multihits 10 -G $gtf --library-type fr-unstranded $reference $left $right
          cd $dir$output
          samtools index accepted_hits.bam
          samtools idxstats accepted_hits.bam
          cd $dir
          cufflinks -M $mask -u -q --no-update-check -o $output -g $gtf -b $reference --library-type fr-unstranded -L $flowcell"_"$lane"_"$index accepted_hits.bam


          • #6
            Originally posted by dariober View Post
            I believe the amount of RAM depends mostly (if not only) on the size of the reference genome and ~4 GB sounds about right for the human one. So, yes, I think requesting 20 GB was unnecessary! Adding more RAM doesn't speed up the algorithm.

            Anyone please correct me if I got this wrong...

            I think you're right.


            • #7
              If bowtie would use more RAM, then it would probably load the human genome reference multiple times =)

              I think one of the main goals for these algorithms, is speed, and to minimize the amount of RAM needed, so people don't need a special computer to analyze their data.


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