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  • News: European Bioconductor Developers Meeting: Cambridge 7/8th December 2015

    Dear Bioconductors,

    We are pleased to announce that that European Bioconductor Developers Conference will take place in Cambridge, England from 7th-8th December 2015.

    The meeting is aimed at bioinformaticians, programmers and software engineers who contribute to the Bioconductor project, or are interested in developing packages for Bioconductor.

    We are still finalising the programme for the meeting and invited speakers. Please use this link to register your interest and tell us if you would like to contribute a "flashlight" or longer talk. There are a limited number of places - for the best chance of consideration, please complete the form by the 6th November. We will send out invitations containing full details, including information on accommodation and travel, soon after that date.

    Please use this form to register interest in attending the European Bioconductor Developers' Meeting 2015, which will take place in the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK, on December 7-8th. The latest timetable and information about the conference will be uploaded to the conference website: The meeting is aimed at bioinformaticians, programmers and software engineers who contribute to the Bioconductor project, or are interested in developing packages for Bioconductor. The goals are to: * foster the exchange of technical expertise * keep contributors up to speed with the latest developments * coordinate related efforts. Themes of this year's meeting include: - Strategies for processing large data problems - Interactive frameworks - Reproducibility in high-throughput research - Emergent applications and technologies - Flashlight talks Note that, due to limitations on space, this is not registration for the conference itself. Invitations to the conference will be sent out shortly, once levels of interest are known. Priority will be given to those who are actively involved in the development of current or intended Bioconductor packages, so please indicate in the appropriate box below if this is the case. For the best chance of consideration, please complete the form by the 6th November.

    The meeting website will be updated with more information in due course

    Access Google Sites with a personal Google account or Google Workspace account (for business use).

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