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  • Postdoctoral Fellow in Human Genetics

    The Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) at the University of Maryland, School of Medicine, encompasses an inter-disciplinary, multi-departmental team of collaborative investigators with a broad research program related to the genomics of personalized medicine, functional genomics, and bioinformatics. The impact of the members of IGS on the field of genomics has been substantial, with more than 500 publications during the past 15 years which have been cited more than 30,000 times.

    A POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW position is currently open in Timothy O’Connor’s laboratory at the Institute for Genome Science. The research in this position will focus on the analysis of over 1000 whole genome sequences as part of the Consortium on Asthma among African-ancestry Populations in the Americas. The fellow will have the opportunity to interact with a national human genetics community and the latitude to develop their own research objectives within the context of a large team of experts, especially in the areas of statistical genetics, variation annotation, ancestry and population structure, and adaptation/selection. Our lab is also involved in population genetic analysis of next-generation sequence data from other New World populations including the Amish, as part of the Program in Personalized and Genomic Medicine (UM School of Medicine), and Native and Hispanic Americans.

    The ideal candidate will have a strong background in population genetics or in relevant areas of mathematics, statistics, and/or computer science. Also, they should have strong computational and programming skills (Perl/Python/R) and experience with analyzing large data sets. Object oriented programming experience with Java or C++ is highly desired.

    The successful candidate will benefit from a community of interactive research labs, bioinformatics programmers, and a variety of sequencing, and computational resources available in a world-class institute dedicated to genomic, basic, and translational research to improve human heath.

    To apply, please send a CV, a statement of research interests (2 pages maximum), and contact information for three references to [email protected]
    Additional inquiries about the position can be sent to Tim O’Connor: [email protected].

    Consideration of candidates will begin upon receipt of applications and will continue until the position is filled.

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