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  • Bioinfo Post-doc on epigenetics of obesity-associated leukaemia

    Job Location
    European Institute of Oncology

    Via Adamello 16, Milan, Italy

    Job Description
    Obesity has emerged as a socially prominent risk factor for cancer-related death, but a clear understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms is lacking. We and others have demonstrated that a specific type of leukemia, Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL), is heavily influenced by the systemic metabolic state (Breccia et al Blood 2012 and unpublished data). APL is well modeled in the mouse, and we have devised experimental setups that very well reproduce the effect of systemic metabolic alterations (high fat diet and caloric restriction) on the natural history of APL. We are now using this experimental setting to delve more deeply into the mechanism. Two main bioinformatics-intensive projects are ongoing:

    -using whole genome sequencing of cellular genomes to measure single-cell mutational history. We wish to evaluate intra-individual mutational variability to understand if diet can modulate the rate of mutation acquisition

    -using ChIP-seq, RNAseq and metabolomics on mouse APL samples to identify epigenetic changes associated with metabolic adaptation to diet modification, a process that we have seen is highly susceptible to pharmacological targeting.

    The candidate is expected to implement comprehensive bioinformatics analysis and to also integrate with other ongoing research projects in the group.

    The ideal candidate for this position should have experience in the analysis of large genomic and epigenomic datasets. The applicant must have excellent analytical skills, a strong statistical background, ability to work independently and as part of a team, very good oral/written communication and interpersonal skills to efficiently interact with the experimental collaborators and write and/or contribute to production of research reports and publications for peer reviewed journals. In particular, the applicant should have:
    Experience in software and algorithm development
    Strong programming skills in at least one of the following languages: Python, Perl, Java, C++
    Experience of statistical analysis software (R, Matlab)
    Proficiency in Unix/Linux operating systems
    PhD degrees in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics or Physics are preferred.

    How to Apply
    For further info or to arrange an informal interview, please write to both
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    About Our Organization
    The European Institute of Oncology is one of the biggest comprehensive cancers in Europe. The experimental branch is hosted in the IFOM-IEO-IIT campus, with state-of-the-art facilities (Illumina and ION Torrent instruments) for sequencing and a large and expanding bioinformatics community. The institute has also gained access to the Oxford Nanopore MinIon Access Program for single-molecule nanopore sequencing.

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