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  • A New Era in Single-Cell Analysis: Transcriptome and Proteome Profiling

    Innovative Technique in Single-Cell Research
    Researchers from Zhejiang University have developed a new platform for simultaneous transcriptome and proteome profiling in single cells, a significant advancement in single-cell analysis. This method, detailed in Cell Reports, provides a comprehensive view of cellular processes by analyzing both RNA and protein levels from the same cell.

    Technical Breakthroughs in Single-Cell Analysis
    The new technique, named single-cell simultaneous transcriptome and proteome (scSTAP) analysis, leverages microfluidics, high-throughput sequencing, and mass spectrometry. This allows for deep and joint quantitative analysis of both transcriptomes and proteomes at the single-cell level. The team applied this method to single mouse oocytes at different stages of meiotic maturation, achieving an average quantification depth of 19,948 genes and 2,663 protein groups in single mouse oocytes.

    Overcoming the Challenges of Single-Cell Analysis
    One of the main challenges in single-cell analysis is the precise separation and transfer of small amounts of RNA and proteins for separate analysis. The scSTAP platform addresses this through a technique called precise sample splitting (PSS), enabling the quantitative division of single-cell samples for simultaneous analysis. This method ensures uniform distribution of cellular components in the lysate and maintains the integrity and comparability of the data.

    Insights into Oocyte Maturation
    The application of scSTAP to mouse oocytes provided new insights into the cellular activities during meiotic maturation. The researchers were able to observe correlations between individual RNA and protein pairs and identify specific oocyte maturational signatures. This method allows for the study of complex cellular processes with unprecedented depth and precision.

    Future Implications and Applications
    The scSTAP platform represents a significant step forward in the field of single-cell analysis. Its ability to provide a comprehensive view of both the transcriptome and proteome from the same cell opens new avenues for research in various fields, including developmental biology and disease pathology. Future studies will benefit from this approach, offering deeper insights into the intricate workings of single cells.

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