Does anyone have any thoughts on calling SNPs from short read data (e.g. Illumina) in haploid genomes? It seems that many SNP calling programs are set up to deal only with diploid genomes (e.g. GATK's UnifiedGenotyper).
I found the program FreeBayes from the Marth Lab which allows you to specify the ploidy. This looks like a good candidate and I will definitely try it. It appears to be unpublished.
Does anyone have any experience with calling SNPs in haploid genomes using FreeBayes or another program?
I found the program FreeBayes from the Marth Lab which allows you to specify the ploidy. This looks like a good candidate and I will definitely try it. It appears to be unpublished.
Does anyone have any experience with calling SNPs in haploid genomes using FreeBayes or another program?