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  • #46
    Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, :

    Hi All,

    I seem to be having similar problems as everyone else and I have looked through many of the posts without finding the solution. However, I am new to R and RNA-seq in general.

    Here is what I am getting in RStudio:
    > cuff
    CuffSet instance with:
    4 samples
    19856 genes
    24928 isoforms
    21518 TSS
    23593 CDS
    119136 promoters
    129108 splicing
    119136 relCDS
    > disp<-dispersionPlot(gene(cuff))
    Error in dispersionPlot(gene(cuff)) :
    error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'dispersionPlot': Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
    unable to find an inherited method for function ‘gene’ for signature ‘"CuffSet"’
    > disp<-dispersionPlot(genes(cuff))
    > disp
    Error in `$<`(`*tmp*`, "SCALE_X", value = 1L) :
    replacement has 1 row, data has 0
    In addition: Warning message:
    In max(panels$ROW) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
    > genes.scv<-fpkmSCVPlot(genes(cuff))
    Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, :
    RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: near ")": syntax error)
    > dens<-csDensity(genes(cuff))
    > dens
    Warning messages:
    1: Removed 1414 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
    2: Removed 2084 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
    3: Removed 1457 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
    4: Removed 1150 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).

    In particular, this error: Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, :
    RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: near ")": syntax error)
    seems to be common with everyone. Has anyone figured out the cause and how to fix it?

    I did add the gtfFile and genome arguments as suggested.

    I would really appreciate any help. I am using v. 0.97551 of RStudio and Cuffdiff v. 2.1.1 on Galaxy.



    • #47
      I had the same problem. I think you are using a version of Cufflinks < 2.0.0. And cummeRbund 2.0 needs Cufflinks >= 2.0.0.
      So you need to redo all the cuff part with a newer version. Or use cummRBund 1.0.

      Cheers ,


      • #48
        Thank you Alpha. I will look into that. I also found that part of the problem may be that cummeRbund requires some files ( that cuffdiff in Galaxy does not include in the output. Galaxy may add an option to include these files in the future.


        • #49
          Dear all,
          any suggestion about this issue I have?

          I run the following commands:
          > library (cummeRbund)
          Loading required package: RSQLite
          Loading required package: DBI
          Loading required package: ggplot2
          Loading required package: reshape2
          > cuff<-readCufflinks ()
          > cuff
          CuffSet instance with:
          2 samples
          24302 genes
          42262 isoforms
          28828 TSS
          25037 CDS
          24302 promoters
          28828 splicing
          0 relCDS
          > iso.diff <- diffData(isoforms(cuff))
          > <- iso.diff[order(iso.diff$q_value),][1:20,]
          isoform_id sample_1 sample_2 status value_1 value_2
          19598 TCONS_00019647 q1 q2 OK 0.00142518 63.8030
          23003 TCONS_00023056 q1 q2 OK 0.01873000 267.5380
          16085 TCONS_00016126 q1 q2 OK 0.00828880 53.7744
          20375 TCONS_00020425 q1 q2 OK 0.01018440 41.0838
          14718 TCONS_00014757 q1 q2 OK 0.01255110 52.7526
          38909 TCONS_00038994 q1 q2 OK 0.00506554 18.4579
          9364 TCONS_00009383 q1 q2 OK 0.01624700 41.5996
          21567 TCONS_00021617 q1 q2 OK 0.02047770 43.5210
          21617 TCONS_00021668 q1 q2 OK 0.07737150 173.5400
          12908 TCONS_00012945 q1 q2 OK 0.01454510 29.1976
          2916 TCONS_00002919 q1 q2 OK 0.02808040 52.5176
          11888 TCONS_00011918 q1 q2 OK 0.01283370 23.4124
          24967 TCONS_00025024 q1 q2 OK 0.07871780 93.7237
          36578 TCONS_00036659 q1 q2 OK 0.15108000 179.3100
          18827 TCONS_00018874 q1 q2 OK 0.19685300 402.2040
          26748 TCONS_00026809 q1 q2 OK 0.07271350 66.3874
          24573 TCONS_00024628 q1 q2 OK 0.01203420 20.7750
          5805 TCONS_00005818 q1 q2 OK 0.00198928 2.9240
          35808 TCONS_00035884 q1 q2 OK 0.10710700 108.1710
          26864 TCONS_00026926 q1 q2 OK 0.05353970 86.0766
          log2_fold_change test_stat p_value q_value significant
          19598 15.45020 -7.91793 2.44249e-15 5.34124e-11 yes
          23003 13.80210 -7.39372 1.42775e-13 1.56110e-09 yes
          16085 12.66350 -7.33093 2.28484e-13 1.66550e-09 yes
          20375 11.97800 -7.27264 3.52607e-13 1.92770e-09 yes
          14718 12.03720 -7.23914 4.51417e-13 1.97432e-09 yes
          38909 11.83120 -7.17187 7.39853e-13 2.69652e-09 yes
          9364 11.32220 -6.84004 7.91722e-12 2.47334e-08 yes
          21567 11.05340 -6.73898 1.59504e-11 3.87558e-08 yes
          21617 11.13120 -6.75063 1.47207e-11 3.87558e-08 yes
          12908 10.97110 -6.67956 2.39653e-11 5.24073e-08 yes
          2916 10.86900 -6.61070 3.82498e-11 6.62383e-08 yes
          11888 10.83310 -6.59542 4.24061e-11 6.62383e-08 yes
          24967 10.21750 -6.60852 3.88183e-11 6.62383e-08 yes
          36578 10.21290 -6.59690 4.19833e-11 6.62383e-08 yes
          18827 10.99660 -6.54690 5.87441e-11 8.56411e-08 yes
          26748 9.83447 -6.44433 1.16116e-10 1.58701e-07 yes
          24573 10.75350 -6.42860 1.28785e-10 1.65663e-07 yes
          5805 10.52150 -6.40323 1.52120e-10 1.84809e-07 yes
          35808 9.98005 -6.39398 1.61620e-10 1.86017e-07 yes
          26864 10.65080 -6.35030 2.14901e-10 2.34972e-07 yes

          however, these top 20 include transcripts that start with NM_00000 and NR_00000

          what I want is to select only the NM_ as these are proteins/transcript, NR_ if I am not wrong is the gene (here cummerbund only gives TCONS, but I have double checked themn with the NM/NR nomenclature and I know they are mixed up as it is listing by fold change...)

          How do I command this on cummerbund?



          • #50
            Hi all,

            I have a similar problem.

            >genediffID <- read.table("genediffID.txt",header= F, sep="/t")
            > myGenes <-getGenes(cuff,genediffID)
            Error in sqliteExecStatement(conn, statement, ...) :
            RS-DBI driver: (RS_SQLite_exec: could not execute1: cannot start a transaction within a transaction)

            genediffID was orgninally a column vector but row vector format seemed to be appropriate.

            I solved the problem as follows.

            >gendiffID <- t(genediffID)
            > myGenes <-getGenes(cuff,genediffID)

            I also had a similar diffrent problem.

            >genediffID2 <- read.table("genediffID2.txt",header= F, sep="/t")
            > myGenes2 <-getGenes(cuff,genediffID2)

            Error in sqliteExecStatement(conn, statement, :
            RS-DBI driver: (expired SQLiteConnection)

            At this time, cuff was broken by some reason.
            So I made cuff again.

            >cuff <- readCufflinks("input folder")
            >genediffID2 <- read.table("genediffID2.txt",header= F, sep="/t")
            > myGenes2 <-getGenes(cuff,genediffID2)

            then, it worked.


            • #51
              dear cummerbund users,
              i am trying to run the following command:

              cuff <- readCufflinks()

              iso.diff <- diffData(isoforms(cuff))
     <- iso.diff[order(iso.diff$q_value),][1:20,]

              which works fine, however I would like to run it not through all my samples but a list I have selected (a family of proteins i have extracted and only the significant ones).

              I made this table with the isoforms of interest but I don't know how to input the command....any suggestions? I saved this table where all the cuffdiff outputs are and called it myisoforms_exp.diff (thus similar to the original file)

              I did not understand how we create a gene set, so I thought this way might work..



              • #52
                Heatmap in cummeRbund package

                How to alter the scale of heatmap in cummerBund? heatMidpoint option in csHeatmap is seems to be non functional.


                • #53
                  Use :
                  myGeneIds <- scan("C://heat//tcf4_ensg.txt",what="character")




                  • #54
                    Same error as yours

                    Hi Fres,

                    I'm having exactly the same error right now. Can I ask how did you solve the problem? Finding a higher version of cufflinks? How could you find it? I only see one version of cufflinks provided by the server, and that one is older. I can see I have something in cuff but just cannot let the anticipated disp.

                    Thanks a lot!!!

                    Originally posted by fraise13 View Post
                    Hi All,

                    I seem to be having similar problems as everyone else and I have looked through many of the posts without finding the solution. However, I am new to R and RNA-seq in general.

                    Here is what I am getting in RStudio:
                    > cuff
                    CuffSet instance with:
                    4 samples
                    19856 genes
                    24928 isoforms
                    21518 TSS
                    23593 CDS
                    119136 promoters
                    129108 splicing
                    119136 relCDS
                    > disp<-dispersionPlot(gene(cuff))
                    Error in dispersionPlot(gene(cuff)) :
                    error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'dispersionPlot': Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
                    unable to find an inherited method for function ‘gene’ for signature ‘"CuffSet"’
                    > disp<-dispersionPlot(genes(cuff))
                    > disp
                    Error in `$<`(`*tmp*`, "SCALE_X", value = 1L) :
                    replacement has 1 row, data has 0
                    In addition: Warning message:
                    In max(panels$ROW) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
                    > genes.scv<-fpkmSCVPlot(genes(cuff))
                    Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, :
                    RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: near ")": syntax error)
                    > dens<-csDensity(genes(cuff))
                    > dens
                    Warning messages:
                    1: Removed 1414 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
                    2: Removed 2084 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
                    3: Removed 1457 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
                    4: Removed 1150 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).

                    In particular, this error: Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, :
                    RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: near ")": syntax error)
                    seems to be common with everyone. Has anyone figured out the cause and how to fix it?

                    I did add the gtfFile and genome arguments as suggested.

                    I would really appreciate any help. I am using v. 0.97551 of RStudio and Cuffdiff v. 2.1.1 on Galaxy.



                    • #55
                      Hi all,

                      i am getting this error and cannot figure put how to fix it. Please let me know if you have some tips.


                      Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, :
                      RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: database disk image is malformed)


                      • #56
                        Hello Gonza,
                        What version of the cufflinks package did you use.
                        Did all the steps went well, without mistakes until the cuffdiff command ?

                        Here is an example of code that works for me:

                        cuff_71_69 <- readCufflinks('_cuffdiff_results_path',rebuild=T)

                        # To assess the distributions of FPKM scores across samples, you can use the csDensity plot.

                        dens<-csDensity(genes(cuff_71_69),logMode=TRUE, pseudocount=0.0001)

                        # Boxplots can be visualized using the csBoxplot method.



                        • #57
                          Thanks for your reply.
                          I used cufflinks v2.2.1 and all the steps went well (in fact, in some else computer I was able to upload cuffdiff to R, for some reason in mine does not work - and i have the latest R installed).
                          Will try your code though.


                          • #58
                            Hi CummeRbund users,

                            This might be simple question but can anybody explain these warning messages after readCufflinks() command:

                            Warning messages:
                            1: attributes are not identical across measure variables; they will be dropped
                            8: attributes are not identical across measure variables; they will be dropped

                            Are these attributes from merged.gtf file?



                            • #59
                              Originally posted by skdhanraj View Post

                              Warning messages:
                              1: attributes are not identical across measure variables; they will be dropped
                              8: attributes are not identical across measure variables; they will be dropped

                              Are these attributes from merged.gtf file?

                              I am seeing these warnings as well. Has some file not been created correctly?

                              I am not looking for novel genes/transcripts. So, I went directly from tophat (with --no-novel-juncs flag) to cuffdiff. I doubt this would make a difference, but cannot be sure.


                              • #60
                                Hi All,

                                After a lot of struggle I finally found out what the problem was. In my case, the genes.gtf filed used had some # symbols. When importing cuffdiff to R, the lines containing # made it fail. I created a new genes.gtf without # and it worked.

                                $sed -r 's/#//g' genes.gtf > new_genes.gtf

                                That it was my problem, I do not know how 'universal' of a problem that is. But it may be a good idea to check your gtf file.


                                BTW, I am assuming you already did the upgrade:


                                Then, install "cummeRbund"

                                Last, install or reinstall "RSQLite"


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