Dear all
I have in my project single end reads (100 bp) for some samples and paired end reads (100 bp frw and rev) for the other samples. I had to re-sequence some of the samples of which I have paired-end reads because the coverage was to low. However the re-sequence data I received back is single-end reads of 250 bp. Tophat wont allow mapping single and paired-end reads together. It says the result will look bad. They do mention that you can convert the junctions.bed file (output of Tophat) with bed_to_juncs using the -j option. I quote for TopHat manual "run TopHat on the 2nd set of reads using the -j option to supply the junctions file produced by be_to_juncs in the previous step". This is supposed to work but I didn't get it to work. Any suggestion on how I should go about analyzing this data?
I have in my project single end reads (100 bp) for some samples and paired end reads (100 bp frw and rev) for the other samples. I had to re-sequence some of the samples of which I have paired-end reads because the coverage was to low. However the re-sequence data I received back is single-end reads of 250 bp. Tophat wont allow mapping single and paired-end reads together. It says the result will look bad. They do mention that you can convert the junctions.bed file (output of Tophat) with bed_to_juncs using the -j option. I quote for TopHat manual "run TopHat on the 2nd set of reads using the -j option to supply the junctions file produced by be_to_juncs in the previous step". This is supposed to work but I didn't get it to work. Any suggestion on how I should go about analyzing this data?