Hi all,
I am using iPlant resources, and I just finished doing an assembly of my RNAseq data using trinity (great results- ~200K contigs with N50 of ~1500, and mean of ~900- CEGMA giving 241 of the 248 conserved sequences as complete). With this in hand I used tophat2 to map my fragments as the first step to ID deferentially expressed transcripts. However, I am only getting about 38% of my fragments mapping to the Trinity contigs for any given sample. Is this expected? Is there a better way to do this? Any advice would be appreciated.
I am using iPlant resources, and I just finished doing an assembly of my RNAseq data using trinity (great results- ~200K contigs with N50 of ~1500, and mean of ~900- CEGMA giving 241 of the 248 conserved sequences as complete). With this in hand I used tophat2 to map my fragments as the first step to ID deferentially expressed transcripts. However, I am only getting about 38% of my fragments mapping to the Trinity contigs for any given sample. Is this expected? Is there a better way to do this? Any advice would be appreciated.