What yields do you typically get of polyA+ RNA from a given amount of total RNA?
We use the Ambion PolyA Purist Mag kit and cannot seem to get 0.1-0.5% yields after 2 cycles of purification. (1 cycle leaves too much rRNA around for sequencing.)
If we can get people to give us several hundred ug of total RNA, then 0.1% yields are acceptable. But often asking for that much RNA is not realistic.
We use the Ambion PolyA Purist Mag kit and cannot seem to get 0.1-0.5% yields after 2 cycles of purification. (1 cycle leaves too much rRNA around for sequencing.)
If we can get people to give us several hundred ug of total RNA, then 0.1% yields are acceptable. But often asking for that much RNA is not realistic.