We are trying to look at potential DNA contamination in our RNA/cDNA libraries using the RNA-Seq data (single-end Ion Torrent). One method of doing this seems to be looking at reads that start in the exon and "run into" the intron or vice versa. I thought of may be creating a custom annotation which will potentially have these "junctions" as the start and end and then use HTSeq or bedtools (intersect or coverage) to quantify/extract these reads. However, I am not quite sure of how to configure my intesect (customize the -r and -f parameters) or HTSeq command and also the annotation file.
Any suggestions on this and also if anybody has a different bioinformatics way of looking at DNA contamination will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
We are trying to look at potential DNA contamination in our RNA/cDNA libraries using the RNA-Seq data (single-end Ion Torrent). One method of doing this seems to be looking at reads that start in the exon and "run into" the intron or vice versa. I thought of may be creating a custom annotation which will potentially have these "junctions" as the start and end and then use HTSeq or bedtools (intersect or coverage) to quantify/extract these reads. However, I am not quite sure of how to configure my intesect (customize the -r and -f parameters) or HTSeq command and also the annotation file.
Any suggestions on this and also if anybody has a different bioinformatics way of looking at DNA contamination will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,