Hi all,
I have got two data-sets (36 bp) illumina reads from a smallRNA experiment.
Can anyone tell me what specific adapter sequence (sequence in ACGT) needs to be provided to the miRNA analysis tools such as novoalign/mirExpress etc for removing these adapters before alignment.
Also..as per my search from seqanswers and other sources..the pipeline I need to use for general expression profiling between two sets of reads looks something like this...
1) Adapter trimming and quality filtering
2) Mapping against mirBase to separate out known /novel miRNAs
followed by
3) miRNA abundance profiling?
Any suggestions as to what is the best tool for this step?
Did I miss any steps?
appreciate any replies..
I have got two data-sets (36 bp) illumina reads from a smallRNA experiment.
Can anyone tell me what specific adapter sequence (sequence in ACGT) needs to be provided to the miRNA analysis tools such as novoalign/mirExpress etc for removing these adapters before alignment.
Also..as per my search from seqanswers and other sources..the pipeline I need to use for general expression profiling between two sets of reads looks something like this...
1) Adapter trimming and quality filtering
2) Mapping against mirBase to separate out known /novel miRNAs
followed by
3) miRNA abundance profiling?
Any suggestions as to what is the best tool for this step?
Did I miss any steps?
appreciate any replies..