Hi all,
I know of numerous programs for generating artificial reads e.g. wgsim, bgeneratereads, simNGS...
I am trying to find one which will annotate the output sequences with a description of various characteristics that will make downstream testing of aligners/snp callers easier.
For example, the read name would contain info on chromosome and position of origin and the coordinates of any errors/snps/indels etc that have been introduced to the sequence.
Does anything like this exist or would it be necessary to write a program/hack an existing one?
Thanks in advance.
I know of numerous programs for generating artificial reads e.g. wgsim, bgeneratereads, simNGS...
I am trying to find one which will annotate the output sequences with a description of various characteristics that will make downstream testing of aligners/snp callers easier.
For example, the read name would contain info on chromosome and position of origin and the coordinates of any errors/snps/indels etc that have been introduced to the sequence.
Does anything like this exist or would it be necessary to write a program/hack an existing one?
Thanks in advance.