I'm trying to align RNASeq data to hg19 and call variants. Qualities look ok, the tophat alignment has been sorted (picard) and tagged with readgroups as per GATK discussions, and it all looks fine in IGV.
However not a single variant is being called. Here's the message that's most indicative of the problem (confidently called bases = 0):
Would this kind of message seem to indicate a potential problem with the hg19 reference that I'm using?
I'm using:
I call GATK as follows:
Adding a dbSNP ROD doesn't fix the problem, nor does EMIT_ALL_SITES (e.g., ignore quality scores and call everything).
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
However not a single variant is being called. Here's the message that's most indicative of the problem (confidently called bases = 0):
INFO 23:00:50,322 UnifiedGenotyper - Visited bases 3101976562 INFO 23:00:50,323 UnifiedGenotyper - Callable bases 2864957043 INFO 23:00:50,323 UnifiedGenotyper - Confidently called bases 0 INFO 23:00:50,323 UnifiedGenotyper - % callable bases of all loci 92.359 INFO 23:00:50,323 UnifiedGenotyper - % confidently called bases of all loci 0.000 INFO 23:00:50,324 UnifiedGenotyper - % confidently called bases of callable loci 0.000 INFO 23:00:50,324 UnifiedGenotyper - Actual calls made 0 INFO 23:00:50,325 TraversalEngine - Total runtime 14151.69 secs, 235.86 min, 3.93 hours INFO 23:00:50,325 TraversalEngine - 66936259 reads were filtered out during traversal out of 77587056 total (86.27%) INFO 23:00:50,326 TraversalEngine - -> 66936259 reads (86.27% of total) failing MappingQualityUnavailableReadFilter
I'm using:
java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -I karyotypicRG.bam \ -R Homo_sapiens_assembly19.fasta -T UnifiedGenotyper \ -o snpCalls.vcf \ -stand_call_conf 50.0 \ -stand_emit_conf 1 \ -dcov 5000 >& gatkGenotyper.out
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.