Hi, I am new to bioinfromatics and bowtie so please excuse me if this is a simple question.
I have bowtie on a linux server, navigate to my bowtie directory and try to execute the command "bowtie" and/or "./bowtie" . I get the following:
.../.../.../bowtie-0.12.7/bowtie: Exec format error. Wrong Architecture.
I don't know what this means exactly. Somebody had suggested to me that perhaps the program cannot be run on a linux machine, but the bowtie documentation indicates otherwise.
Is there something obvious I am missing?
I have bowtie on a linux server, navigate to my bowtie directory and try to execute the command "bowtie" and/or "./bowtie" . I get the following:
.../.../.../bowtie-0.12.7/bowtie: Exec format error. Wrong Architecture.
I don't know what this means exactly. Somebody had suggested to me that perhaps the program cannot be run on a linux machine, but the bowtie documentation indicates otherwise.
Is there something obvious I am missing?