I have 2 fastq files read1.fastq and read2.fastq.
If I align read1.fastq to the reference genome, I get a set of readids that align. Lets say a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 for simplicity.
If I align read2.fastq to the reference genome, I get another set of readids: a1, a2, a4, a5, a6, a8, a9, a10.
But when I align both together as paired end data using -1 and -2 Bowtie command line options, I get only a1, a9 (I expected a1, a2, a4, a5, a6, a8, a9, i.e. common to read1 and read2) along with a bunch of memory warnings that look like this:
Warning: Exhausted best-first chunk memory for read HWI-XXXXX:103046AACXX:5:1101:4313:3969 1:N:0:CAGATC/1 (patid 7142); skipping read
Can someone explain this?
If I align read1.fastq to the reference genome, I get a set of readids that align. Lets say a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 for simplicity.
If I align read2.fastq to the reference genome, I get another set of readids: a1, a2, a4, a5, a6, a8, a9, a10.
But when I align both together as paired end data using -1 and -2 Bowtie command line options, I get only a1, a9 (I expected a1, a2, a4, a5, a6, a8, a9, i.e. common to read1 and read2) along with a bunch of memory warnings that look like this:
Warning: Exhausted best-first chunk memory for read HWI-XXXXX:103046AACXX:5:1101:4313:3969 1:N:0:CAGATC/1 (patid 7142); skipping read
Can someone explain this?