I compare wiggle file generated from SICER and MACS (both are 10bp span), and visualized them on IGV. To my suprise, wiggle file from MACS is much better than from SICER on VISUALIZATION. but according to both manual, they all just shift reads and record reads number in each 10bp bin.
some one can tell me the difference?
PS: wiggle from MACS is typically much bigger than from SICER
I compare wiggle file generated from SICER and MACS (both are 10bp span), and visualized them on IGV. To my suprise, wiggle file from MACS is much better than from SICER on VISUALIZATION. but according to both manual, they all just shift reads and record reads number in each 10bp bin.
some one can tell me the difference?
PS: wiggle from MACS is typically much bigger than from SICER