This puzzled me for days : I tried to use bwa on SOLiD seq results. But when I finished the manual, couldn't find a in-detail workflow about color space reads alignment. According to some post, I took these steps below:
1 solid2fastq: used the script in the bwa suite(color to double encoded:ACGTN);
2 index the fasta reference,with -c ;
3 bwa aln;
4 bwa samse (my SOLiD reads is fragment library)
5 parse sam , and I found all the beads were Unmapped,But then I used same reads & reference with other tools,such as bioscope , bFast . The results are just fine , thousands of mapped reads.
Then I tried with color space fastq(which means the sequence line is consisted of 1234.), All reads unmapped too~
Maybe this workflow is not suitable? Could anyone please show me how to deal with color space reads with bwa?
Many thanks!
This puzzled me for days : I tried to use bwa on SOLiD seq results. But when I finished the manual, couldn't find a in-detail workflow about color space reads alignment. According to some post, I took these steps below:
1 solid2fastq: used the script in the bwa suite(color to double encoded:ACGTN);
2 index the fasta reference,with -c ;
3 bwa aln;
4 bwa samse (my SOLiD reads is fragment library)
5 parse sam , and I found all the beads were Unmapped,But then I used same reads & reference with other tools,such as bioscope , bFast . The results are just fine , thousands of mapped reads.
Then I tried with color space fastq(which means the sequence line is consisted of 1234.), All reads unmapped too~
Maybe this workflow is not suitable? Could anyone please show me how to deal with color space reads with bwa?
Many thanks!