I am having an issue with a BAM file in picard. I tried to run AddOrReplaceReadGroups on the file and got the following error, and this is with VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT:
Exception in thread "main" net.sf.samtools.SAMFormatException: For sequence 0, text and binary have different lengths in file
When I tried to run ValidateSamFile, I get the same error. What is wrong with my BAM file that it would be giving me this error, especially with VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT? Thanks.
Exception in thread "main" net.sf.samtools.SAMFormatException: For sequence 0, text and binary have different lengths in file
When I tried to run ValidateSamFile, I get the same error. What is wrong with my BAM file that it would be giving me this error, especially with VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT? Thanks.