Hi All,
I used BWA to create BAM files. Then I used samtools mpileup to create a VCF file. However, there were only indels (no SNPs) in my VCF file.
Right now, I am using samtools fillmd to add MD tags to my BAM files.
/home/directory/bin/samtools fillmd -Aeb /home/directory/bam/${file1}.bam /home/directory/Mouse/mm10.fa > /home/directory/bam/${file1}.recode.bam
With a cursory look at my output, I now see the SNPs in the sequence reads (amid lots of =======). However, fillmd seems like it is taking a Very long time. Does anyone know whether the MD tags are essential to SNP calling? In other words, should this fix the issue? Other ideas?
By the way, my vcf line was:
/home/directory/bin/samtools mpileup -B -m 5 -q 5 -S -D -u -f /home/directory/Mouse/mm10.fa -b /home/directory/bam/bam.list | /home/directory/bin/bcftools view -bvcg - > /home/directory/bam/mm10.bcf
/home/directory/bin/bcftools view /home/directory/bam/mm10.bcf | /home/directory/bin/vcfutils.pl varFilter > /home/directory/bam/mm10.vcf
I used BWA to create BAM files. Then I used samtools mpileup to create a VCF file. However, there were only indels (no SNPs) in my VCF file.
Right now, I am using samtools fillmd to add MD tags to my BAM files.
/home/directory/bin/samtools fillmd -Aeb /home/directory/bam/${file1}.bam /home/directory/Mouse/mm10.fa > /home/directory/bam/${file1}.recode.bam
With a cursory look at my output, I now see the SNPs in the sequence reads (amid lots of =======). However, fillmd seems like it is taking a Very long time. Does anyone know whether the MD tags are essential to SNP calling? In other words, should this fix the issue? Other ideas?
By the way, my vcf line was:
/home/directory/bin/samtools mpileup -B -m 5 -q 5 -S -D -u -f /home/directory/Mouse/mm10.fa -b /home/directory/bam/bam.list | /home/directory/bin/bcftools view -bvcg - > /home/directory/bam/mm10.bcf
/home/directory/bin/bcftools view /home/directory/bam/mm10.bcf | /home/directory/bin/vcfutils.pl varFilter > /home/directory/bam/mm10.vcf