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  • How to construct a combined library for repeatmasker

    Thanks for your attention.
    I am constructing a repeat library for a genome sized ~970 Mb.
    Firstly I used repeatmodeler to generate a de novo repeat consensus library (libA.fas).
    At the same time, I used ltr_struc and ltr_finder to generate a LTR sequences library (libB.fas).
    Then I cat libA.fas, libB.fas, RepBase library and another library from MIPS to one file (LIB.fas).
    But I get a wired result.
    When I used LIB.fas as a input for "-lib" option of repeatmasker, I got 24.45 % region masked in the genome.
    While when I used libA.fas (output of repeatmodeler) as a input library, I got 47.78 % region masked.

    Can anyone tell me why I used a smaller library to get a larger repeat region masked?
    There are some parameters different between two runs, but I can not decide which one could cause this large difference.

    Thanks a lot!

    My command for repeatmasker is :
    for libA.fas:
    RepeatMasker -pa 10 genome.fa -no_is -nolow -norna -lib libA.fas

    For LIB.fas:
    RepeatMasker -lib database/LIB.fas -xsmall -no_is -nolow -pa 10 -frag 4000000 -a -gff genome.fa >Rmask_genome.out

  • #2
    Well, now the reason is found.
    I run another two test runs, the only difference of which is the parameter "-frag".
    The run without "-frag 4000000" assigned gave 45.60 % repeat region close to the expected.

    So in the future I will use "-frag" options carefully!

    ps: I did not check the script for that effection, though in the help document I cannot find a reason as the "-frag " is explained as Max limit, "Maximum sequence length masked without fragmenting".


    • #3
      But there is still a question, why it does not matter when I set "-frag 4000000" with a library as small as 940 KB?
      I might check it in the future.


      • #4
        Hi sunhh

        I have some problem in repeatmodeler and ltr_finder. Can you guide me how you construct library in repeatmodeler , ltr_struct and ltr_finder. From last 3 days ltr_finder is runnig but file size is not increasing. Plz guide me...



        • #5
          Originally posted by amitbik View Post
          Hi sunhh

          I have some problem in repeatmodeler and ltr_finder. Can you guide me how you construct library in repeatmodeler , ltr_struct and ltr_finder. From last 3 days ltr_finder is runnig but file size is not increasing. Plz guide me...

          Hi amitbik,

          Could you show what problems you met? I simply followed the instruction of repeatmodeler and ltr_finder, and they works.
          I didn't use ltr_struct.

          Well, there is a small problem in repeatmodeler, where you need to correct the path for RECON in some file. And after I change -num_threads paramter of blastn from 4 to 30, the time used decreased to half.
          I cannot access my computing server now, maybe I can post more details later.


          • #6
            Thank you.. sunhh for your reply..

            Actually I have installed repeatmodeler. But when i am building database it is showing error

            ./BuildDatabase -name test test.fa

   did not return a true value at ./BuildDatabase line 146.
            BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./BuildDatabase line 146.

            And one more thing file is empty.

            In ltr_finder i am giving this command and i am getting output like this

            ltr_finder -p 30 -w -C file.fa > ltr.fa


            Predict protein Domains 0.000 second
            >Sequence: Contig2 Len:9055
            No LTR Retrotransposons Found

            Do i have give my assembly file directly in repeatmodeler and ltr_finder or have to process some filteration?
            Last edited by amitbik; 02-05-2014, 10:21 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by amitbik View Post
              Thank you.. sunhh for your reply..

              Actually I have installed repeatmodeler. But when i am building database it is showing error

              ./BuildDatabase -name test test.fa

     did not return a true value at ./BuildDatabase line 146.
              BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./BuildDatabase line 146.

              And one more thing file is empty.

              Do i have give my assembly file directly in repeatmodeler and ltr_finder or have to process some filteration?
              For building database, I think you might need to add "-engine ncbi" to the command, if your aligning engine is blast as me.

              And the error "line 146" should be the same problem of
              That file should not be empty. I advise you to re-download the package and install it again.


              • #8
                Originally posted by amitbik View Post
                Thank you.. sunhh for your reply..

                Actually I have installed repeatmodeler. But when i am building database it is showing error

                ./BuildDatabase -name test test.fa

       did not return a true value at ./BuildDatabase line 146.
                BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./BuildDatabase line 146.

                And one more thing file is empty.

                In ltr_finder i am giving this command and i am getting output like this

                ltr_finder -p 30 -w -C file.fa > ltr.fa


                Predict protein Domains 0.000 second
                >Sequence: Contig2 Len:9055
                No LTR Retrotransposons Found

                Do i have give my assembly file directly in repeatmodeler and ltr_finder or have to process some filteration?
                And for ltr_finder, I used a command like this:
                ltr_finder -w 0 -s ref_tRNAs.fa -a /path/to/ps_scan in_genome.fa 1>in_genome.fa.ltrF 2>in_genome.fa.ltrF.err

                It looks different from yours, especially "-w 0" parameter. I am not sure what "-C" means.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by sunhh View Post
                  For building database, I think you might need to add "-engine ncbi" to the command, if your aligning engine is blast as me.

                  And the error "line 146" should be the same problem of
                  That file should not be empty. I advise you to re-download the package and install it again.
                  Before configure Repeatmodeler the file was not empty after i configure the Repeatemodeler and database the file became empty. When i start building the data base it is showing error.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by amitbik View Post
                    Before configure Repeatmodeler the file was not empty after i configure the Repeatemodeler and database the file became empty. When i start building the data base it is showing error.
                    Please redo the configuration of Repeatmodeler. And record everything this time.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by sunhh View Post
                      And for ltr_finder, I used a command like this:
                      ltr_finder -w 0 -s ref_tRNAs.fa -a /path/to/ps_scan in_genome.fa 1>in_genome.fa.ltrF 2>in_genome.fa.ltrF.err

                      It looks different from yours, especially "-w 0" parameter. I am not sure what "-C" means.

                      By mistake i didn't put 0 in my command and "-C" is for delete highly repeat regions.
                      Can tell me you have given 3 files in_genome.fa, in_genome.fa.ltrF and in_genome.fa.ltrF.err
                      what are these files?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by amitbik View Post
                        By mistake i didn't put 0 in my command and "-C" is for delete highly repeat regions.
                        Can tell me you have given 3 files in_genome.fa, in_genome.fa.ltrF and in_genome.fa.ltrF.err
                        what are these files?
                        Only in_genome.fa is an input file, and the rest are output files.


                        • #13
                          Thanks sunhh... for your help

                          My Repeatmodeler is working now. I can build data base now. This time i run Repeatmodeler from a different path and i change the path of Recon, Repeatscout...etc and it is working now.....


                          • #14
                            Hi sunhh,

                            I have some problem in ltr_finder i am using this command

                            ltr_finder -w 0 -s trna.fa -a ./ps_scan/ uni.fa > uni_ltr.txt

                            it run arround 16 hours and the two file uni.fa.ltrf and uni.fa.ltrf.err is empty. It also showed an error cannot find resonable bandwith: continue anyway.

                            Can you tell me why this error came and the two files are empty?

                            Thank you...


                            • #15
                              Can any one help me to find out the error.


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