Hi I just started using meta-velvet to assemble a small metagenome 100k. The average length of reads are 102, with a min of 29 and a max of 227. I tried running meta-velvet with a k-mer of 21.
After the assembly is finished and I look at the output file "meta-velvetg.contigs.fa" I noticed that there are contigs of length 21 (less then the smallest read). This behavior seems strange, that it is returning just the k-mer overlap (or node) and the rest of the reads did not match, and shouldn't be reported as a contig
After the assembly is finished and I look at the output file "meta-velvetg.contigs.fa" I noticed that there are contigs of length 21 (less then the smallest read). This behavior seems strange, that it is returning just the k-mer overlap (or node) and the rest of the reads did not match, and shouldn't be reported as a contig