It is the pleasure of the Smith lab at USC to announce the publication of the preseq manuscript in Nature Methods, currently available as Advanced Online Publication ( link ).
The preseq software is a tool designed to predict the complexity of a genomic library, quantified as the number of distinct reads obtained for a hypothetical sequencing depth. It takes as input a small mapped initial sequencing experiment in either BED or BAM format sorted by mapping location. The idea is to use the information gained from the number of times each read is observed to predict the number of new, currently unobserved, reads that will be gained from additional sequencing. The underlying model is taken from capture-recapture statistics and is shown to be applicable to a broad range of sequencing experiments, including RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, BS-seq, and Exome-seq. Our lab and our collaborators currently use preseq as part of our bisulfite sequencing pipeline to prevent deep sequencing of low complexity libraries and to optimise the depth of sequencing.
For more information or to download the software, please visit the preseq website:
The preseq software is a tool designed to predict the complexity of a genomic library, quantified as the number of distinct reads obtained for a hypothetical sequencing depth. It takes as input a small mapped initial sequencing experiment in either BED or BAM format sorted by mapping location. The idea is to use the information gained from the number of times each read is observed to predict the number of new, currently unobserved, reads that will be gained from additional sequencing. The underlying model is taken from capture-recapture statistics and is shown to be applicable to a broad range of sequencing experiments, including RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, BS-seq, and Exome-seq. Our lab and our collaborators currently use preseq as part of our bisulfite sequencing pipeline to prevent deep sequencing of low complexity libraries and to optimise the depth of sequencing.
For more information or to download the software, please visit the preseq website: