I tried to run iprscan localy. But I got error message like this afer my configure it. Who can tell me how to deal with it?
Thank you very much !
./iprscan -cli -i test.seq -iprlookup –goterms –format txt -o test.seq.merged.txt
SUBMITTED iprscan-20130414-15171398
Iprscan job iprscan-20130414-15171398 failed and exit with status code 256
./iprscan: /home/tools/interproscan/iprscan/tmp/20130414/iprscan-20130414-15171398/iprscan-20130414-15171398.xml unavailable : No such file or directory
No real MTA found, using 'testfile' at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/Mail/Mailer.pm line 108.
Thank you very much !
./iprscan -cli -i test.seq -iprlookup –goterms –format txt -o test.seq.merged.txt
SUBMITTED iprscan-20130414-15171398
Iprscan job iprscan-20130414-15171398 failed and exit with status code 256
./iprscan: /home/tools/interproscan/iprscan/tmp/20130414/iprscan-20130414-15171398/iprscan-20130414-15171398.xml unavailable : No such file or directory
No real MTA found, using 'testfile' at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/Mail/Mailer.pm line 108.