I got the following error message after invoking gatk
ERROR MESSAGE: SAM/BAM file /home/carolw/NGS/data/SRR062641.filt.marked.bam is malformed: SAM file doesn't have any read groups defined in the header.
but I just got the MAPQ should be 0 for unmapped error when I ran bwa to generate sam and bam files. according to the forums, this error should be ignored. So whether the gatk problem comes from the bwa problem or warning or not, how to solve the problem?
Please see the attached file for the outputs of bwa and gatk
Look forward to your reply,
I got the following error message after invoking gatk
ERROR MESSAGE: SAM/BAM file /home/carolw/NGS/data/SRR062641.filt.marked.bam is malformed: SAM file doesn't have any read groups defined in the header.
but I just got the MAPQ should be 0 for unmapped error when I ran bwa to generate sam and bam files. according to the forums, this error should be ignored. So whether the gatk problem comes from the bwa problem or warning or not, how to solve the problem?
Please see the attached file for the outputs of bwa and gatk
Look forward to your reply,